Alle Beiträge von Polina

Gothenburg, Part II: Working Against the Clock

Five months, 800 working hours and countless chocolate cakes later, I am now back with another installment of my Swedish chronicles. This has been a period of growth in all respects – things I’ve gained include experiences, professional skills, lifelong friends and a few extra kilos over Christmas break – but I will try to not get ahead of myself here.

Gothenburg, Part II: Working Against the Clock weiterlesen

Gothenburg, Part I: Pigs, Candy and Fika

Fika @ 15” read the title of the first email I received to my fancy new corporate account. No explanations followed this vaguely menacing message, but when the clock stroke 3 I
followed everyone into the kitchen, only to find a giant chocolate cake present itself on
the table in all its decadent glory.

Gothenburg, Part I: Pigs, Candy and Fika weiterlesen

Málaga, Part II

The time has come for my second blog entry – I am now older, wiser and more experienced, and will try and go into more detail about the actual „work“ part of my internship rather than the plentiful fiestas and siestas (although there might be a tiny bit of that as well 🙂 ).

Initially, I started at the Translation department, where my task was what I like to call „business localization“, mainly consisting of adapting web site content to a different market (in my case, Russian).

Málaga, Part II weiterlesen

Málaga, Part I: Kissing strangers and hardly working

It wasn’t until the first lunch at the office that it really hit me – I am now an intern at a Spanish consulting company. The lunch was when the “Spanish” part of it became most apparent – this was a gathering of an unprecedented volume and scale, something I haven’t had the chance to witness during my two years in Germany. The entire office gathered downstairs at the local bar, where the siesta started with a round of tapas and beers (at the office! at 2 pm!).

Málaga, Part I: Kissing strangers and hardly working weiterlesen