Selection Process


Step 1: Eligibility Check
Firstly, all incoming applications will be screened according to the eligibility criteria.

Step 2: External Peer Reviews
If all criteria are met, the application will be sent to two external experts, and the two referees named on application will be contacted for letters of reference. Once the external experts have finished their evaluation, candidates will receive an anonymized review form, together with their letters of acceptance or rejection.

Step 3: Digital Interview
Based on the external peer reviews, the project’s Selection Committee will shortlist up to three candidates who will then be invited to a digital interview.

Based on the peer reviews, the interview, and the letters of reference, the Committee will decide a) whether candidates should be kept on the shortlist and b) on the ranking of the candidates. The first candidate on the shortlist will be offered the confirmation letter, with a request to reconfirm within a fortnight after receipt of the letter. Should the first candidate on the list decline the fellowship, then the second and, lastly, the third listed candidates would be invited.