The 14th CMTC Symposium - Machine Learning for Multiscale Theory
Tuesday, October 29, 1 PM to 6:30 PM
Center for Soft Nanoscience (SoN), Busso-Peus-Straße 10, 48147 Münster (large seminar room)
Programm: -- please be aware that the schedule has recently changed!
First Part: Symposium talks
13:00 - 13:10 Opening
13:10 - 13:55 Prof. Dr. Ganna (Anya) Gryn’ova, University of Birmingham, UK
New Approaches to Chemical Design Through Machine Learning
13:55 - 14:40 Prof. Dr. Jörg Behler, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, D
The Cambrian Explosion of Machine Learning Potentials
14:40 - 15:05 Coffee break
15:05 - 15:50 Prof. Dr. Annika Bande, Leibniz Universität Hannover, D
Machine Learning: A Way to Replace (or Enhance?) Multiscale Theory and Computation
15:50 - 16:35 Dr. Matthias Rupp, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), LU
Ultra-Fast Machine-Learning Potentials
16:35 - 17:00 Coffee Break
Second part: Heilbronner Hückel-Vorlesung,
17:00 - 17:50 Prof. Dr. Markus Reiher, ETH Zürich, CH
Lifelong Machine Learning Potentials for the Exploration of Chemical Reaction Space
17:50 - 18:30 Beer & pretzels