- 2014
- Blogs
- http://blog.acm.org/csta/ (CSTA)
- http://computinged.wordpress.com/ (Guzdial)
- http://blog.acthompson.net/ (Thompson)
- http://compscigail.blogspot.nl/ (Carmichael)
- Code.org
- Coding, programming
- Coding for space
- Contests
- Creative computing, experimentation
- CS 101
- CS for fun
- CS unplugged
- Dowek (Informatique et science du numerique)
- Dutch methods
- e-Skills Association
- Guide to teaching computer science
- Guzdial
- In the news
- Peyton Jones (Teaching creative computer science, TEDx)
- Robots
- http://www.aldebaran.com/en/robotics-solutions/educational-robots (NAO)
- http://www.robocup.nl/
http://el.media.mit.edu/logo-foundation/logo/programming.html- http://wiht.link/logo_programming
- Schulportal Informatik
- Scratch, Snap!
- Storytelling
- Sustainable curricula
- Teaching computer science
- Techniekpact
- http://techniekpact.nl/ (in Dutch)