Measures to promote the advancement of women (Faculty of Biology)

Programme for young academics

“Women Manage University” is a WWU-programme (in collaboration with the Office for Gender Equality) that fosters the professional development of women researchers in the field of university management. The programme imparts an overview over legal und institutional framework conditions as well as over the basic principles and instruments of controlling and of managing academic institutions. Moreover, it aims not only at developing skills as to academic and university management, but also at personal advancement.
In this scholarship programme, women researchers do not only have the possibility to learn from external lecturers, but also to get into contact with specialists from WWU-departments. The WWU Muenster with its high number of women in management positions offers excellent possibilities for experience exchange and collegial advice. The programme runs for 18 months (source:
For the Faculty of Biology, Dr. Nadine Bangel-Ruland is a member in the third cohort (kick-off: November 2018) of this further development-measure. Amongst others, two former scholarship participants (Dr. Miriam Pott, Dr. Maria Sieverdingbeck) figured as representatives of the university management-unit. In an informal gathering, experiences were exchanged, questions answered and contacts established.