Welcome TO THE SP BioSciences!

We are looking forward to getting to know you as an active member of the SP BioSciences and to involving you - from the very beginning and beyond your doctorate!
The members of the open-topic SP BioSciences offer many opportunities for networking, exchange and cooperation. This is what makes science interesting: In the SP BioSciences you can get to know other doctoral candidates, new perspectives arise in conversation and discussion, in the workshops and in the joint events. The SP BioSciences - More than just a PHD!

Dear doctoral candidates and other interested parties,

We are pleased to announce the 3rd consecutive SP Biosciences Poster Symposium on October 7th 2024!

This year’s Symposium will cover the topic “Sustainability” and once again take place in the Schloss.
PHD students will have the opportunity to present their work in an inviting atmosphere, while attaining a certificate of active participation (participation in a scientific course from the scientific skills required in the SP BioSciences program). The best poster will furthermore be rewarded with a price. The event will be an opportunity for interesting scientific discussion and include a keynote lecture (to be announced). We encourage PIs and colleagues to also join this opportunity to network and chat over food and drinks.
We are looking forward to receiving your applications!

As the amount of spots for presenting a poster is limited, we will inform you about your successful registration via E-Mail. More information about the registration will follow soon.

When: 07.10.2024, 3 pm – 10 pm

Where: Entrance Hall of the Schloss

Who can register: PhD students of the SP BioSciences or others, supervisors and colleagues of the PhDs

Who can present a poster: PHD students of any doctoral study program

Registration period: 01.07.2024-31.08.2024