Peter J. Hanley, MHB (hons), MBChB, PhD
Peter Hanley completed a Master of Human Biology (MHB) and medical degree (MBChB) at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and then worked over a period of 2 years as a resident medical officer at various hospitals in Auckland. Subsequently, he completed his PhD (1994-1998) in the Department of Physiology (University of Auckland), under Denis S. Loiselle, followed by one year of clinical anesthesiology training (Auckland District Hospital Board). Subsequently, his attention was turned to research. Initially, he studied cardiac muscle function, but then became interested in innate immune cells. In particular, he seeks to elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which macrophages coordinate shape changes (1) to move and navigate along chemoattractant gradients and (2) to capture and ingest particles, such as fungi and bacteria.