Curriculum Vitae Prof. Dr. Frederikus Josephus Alphonsus Daniels a. D.

Prof. Dr. Frederikus Josephus Alphonsus Daniels a. D.

Prof. Dr. Frederikus J. A. Daniels a. D.
Institut für Biologie und Biotechnologie der Pflanzen
Schlossplatz 4
48149 Münster

Tel.:  +49 251 83-23835
Email: Prof. Dr. F. J. A. Daniels a. D.

Curriculum Vitae:

  • 1943: Born in Arnhem, NL.
  • 1955-1961: Education Gymnasium ß, Arnhem.
  • 1961-1968: Study Biology, University of Utrecht.
  • 1968-1987: Staff member Institute of Systematic Botany and Institute of Plant Ecology, University of Utrecht.
  • 1980: PhD Thesis „Vegetation of the Angmagssalik District Southeast Greenland IV. Shrub, Dwarf shrub and Terricolous Lichen Vegetation” (published 1982 in Meddr. Grønland, Bioscience 10).
  • 1987-1995 University-Professor in Geobotany at the Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden and 1995-2008 at the Institute of Plant Ecology.
  • 2008: Retirement. Guest professor of the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology of Plants, University of Münster and of the Institute of Geobotany, Leibniz University, Hannover.