Wei Nie

University of Münster
Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology and Phytochemistry
Hittorfstraße 56
48149 Münster, Germany
Email: w_nie001@uni-muenster.de

Research Project

The use of plants against wounds in traditional medicine can be found as part of the customs around the world. Polysaccharides from plants have been the subject of study for a long time, but mainly for their physical properties and industrial use. Over the last 30 years there has been an increasing interest in the biological activity of the plant polysaccharides.
My project focuses on the effect of xylans on human skin cells, specially on cell proliferation and the underlying mechanism.

The project plan contains:

  • isolation and characterization of xylans from plant cultures
  • cell proliferation, metabolic activity and influence on necrosis and apoptosis of xylans
  • analysis of interaction of xylans with extra cellular matrix proteins and specific adhesion molecules
  • identification of signal pathways on the cell proliferation of xylans
  • and synthesization and modification of xylans

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