Moving Realities
On 15 and 16 November, a dance workshop will be held to accompany the exhibition ‘Körper. Cult. Religion’ at the Bible Museum and the Archaeological Museum. The workshop approaches the content of the Cluster of Excellence's theme year ‘Religion and Politics’ through dance as a physical form of thought and perception. Using different types of dance, participants can experience the relationship between body and spirituality and the objects in the exhibition from a different perspective - that of their own body.
The artistic concept comes from Sevi Bayraktar, Professor of Dance, Performance and Music in a Global Context, Corinna Vogel, Professor of (Elementary) Music Education, Music Mediation and Dance Mediation in Cultural Education, and participating students from the Cologne University of Music and Dance. No prior knowledge of dance is required.
Participation is free of charge. Registration for the workshops via, participation in the performances is possible without registration.