Short Vita

2021 Ph.D. in Geography
Graduate School of Geography, Clark University, Worcester, MA, USA
Dissertation title: Improving Carbon Cycle Modeling with Flux Measurements, Forest Inventories, and Satellite Observations

2019 Master of Arts in Geography
Graduate School of Geography, Clark University, Worcester, MA, USA

2015 Master of Science in Cartography & GIS
Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

2012 Bachelor of Engineering in Remote Sensing Science & Technology
Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, China


Publications (Selection)

Zhou, Y., Williams, C.A., Hasler, N., Huan, G., & Kennedy, R. (2021). Linking biomass to carbon fluxes: A comprehensive monitoring of forest carbon changes. Environmental Research Letters, 16, 055026,

Zhou, Y., Williams, C.A., Lauvaux, T., Davis, K.J., Feng, S., Baker, I., Denning, S., & Wei, Y. (2020). A multiyear gridded data ensemble of surface biogenic carbon fluxes for North America: Evaluation and analysis of results. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 125, e2019JG005314,

Zhou, Y., Zhang, L., Xiao, J., Williams, C.A., Vitkovskaya, I., & Bao, A. (2019). Spatiotemporal transition of institutional and socioeconomic impacts on vegetation productivity in Central Asia over last three decades. Science of the Total Environment, 658, 922-935,

Zhou, Y., Zhang, L., Fensholt, R., Wang, K., Vitkovskaya, I., & Tian, F. (2015). Climate contributions to vegetation variations in Central Asian drylands: Pre- and post-USSR collapse. Remote Sensing, 7, 2449-2470,

Zhou, Y., Zhang, L., Xiao, J., Chen, S., Kato, T., & Zhou, G. (2014). A comparison of satellite-derived vegetation indices for approximating Gross Primary Productivity of grasslands. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 67, 9-18,

Dong, Y., Zhou, Y., Zhang, L., Gu, Y., & Sutrisno, D. (2023) Intensive land-use is associated with development status in port cities of Southeast Asia. Environmental Research Letters, 18, 044006,

Ruehr S., Keenan T.F., Williams C., Zhou Y., Lu X., Bastos A., Canadell J.P., Prentice, I.C., Sitch, S., & Terrer, C. (2023). Evidence and attribution of the enhanced land carbon sink. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, 4, 518-534,

Hou, E., Ma, S., Huang, Y., Zhou, Y., Kim, H.-S., López-Blanco, E., Jiang, L., Xia, J., Tao, F., Williams, C., Williams, M., Ricciuto, D., Hanson, P. J., & Luo, Y. (2023). Across-model spread and shrinking in predicting peatland carbon dynamics under global change. Global Change Biology 29, 2759-2775,

See the complete list of publications