© F. Espinoza and J. Wacker
Conference programme

Conference programme now online

We have now uploaded the conference programme which you can access and download here.


Read the book of abstracts here

The finalized book of abstracts has now been uploaded. You can read and download it here.

Keynote speakers
Keynote speakers

Johny Pitts

© @johnypitts on twitter

Johny Pitts is a writer, photographer and broadcast journalist. He has received various awards for his work, including a Decibel Penguin Prize and an ENAR (European Network Against Racism) award. He is the curator of the online journal Afropean.com part of the Guardian's Africa Network and has collaborated with Caryl Philips on A Bend in the River, a photographic essay about London's immigrant communities for the BBC and Arts Council. His photography has been published widely in international magazines and across the blogosphere. Johny’s book titled Afropean: Notes from Black Europe has recently come out with Penguin to much critical acclaim.
Further information on Johny and his projects can be found here.

John Sundholm

© John Sundholm

John Sundholm is Chair of the Department of Media Studies and Professor in Cinema Studies at Stockholm University. His research areas include memory studies and minor cinemas. He focuses on theoretical and methodological issues in memory studies; cultural trauma and national victimhood, and nationalist historiography. John has published widely in the fields of film and memory studies, including two recently published edited collections
The Cultural Practice of Immigrant Filmmaking (with Lars Gustaf Andersson; 2019) and Transnational Cinema at the Borders (with Ana Cristina Mendes; 2018). John also works as a film programmer and organizes Scandinavia's only international experimental film event, AVANT, since 2002.

Further information on John and his projects can be found here.

Literature X Coffee
Literature X Coffee

A reading and conversation with Karosh Taha

© Havin Al-Sindy

Karosh Taha’s debut novel Beschreibung einer Krabbenwanderung (Description of a Crab Migration) was published with Dumont in 2018. Born in Zaxo/Northern Iraq in 1987, Karsoh Taha moved to the German Ruhrgebiet (Ruhr region) at the age of ten. Her novel tells the story of student Sanaan, who grows up on a German housing estate and finds herself in conflict with the older generations in her family. This narrative of generational conflicts among a growing Kurdish diaspora in Germany and resistance against restrictive, often patriarchal, structures is conveyed with startling prose, lush literary imagery, and an at times provocative bluntness. The novel has been nominated for several literary prizes, including the German-based Ulla-Hahn-Preis.