Texts by individual authors
Texts by individual authors
Boswell, James. The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson. London: Heinemann, 1963. (travel writing, 1785)
EngSem XVIII 4020/36 [9], in print
Burns, Robert. Poems (18th c.; various modern editions available) (especially: “Holy Willie’s Prayer”, “Tam o’ Shanter”, “Ae Fond Kiss”, “My Love is like a Red, Red Rose”, “(A Man’s a Man) For A’ That”, “Auld Lang Syne”, “Scots Wha Hae”, “To a Haggis”)
e.g. EngSem XVIII 6032/251, in print
Dunbar, William, and Walter Kennedie. “The Flyting of Dunbar and Kennedie” (poem, c.1503)
e.g. in ME DUN 1-2 1998, available
Hogg, James. The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 2001. (novel, 1824)
EngSem XIX 1021/9 [9], in print
Kelman, James. Busconductor Hines. Edinburgh: Birlinn, 2007. (novel, 1984)
Ordered for EngSem, still in print
Lochhead, Liz. Mary Queen of Scots Got Her Head Chopped Off. London: Nick Hern Books, 2009. (play, 1987)
Ordered for EngSem, still in print
MacDiarmid, Hugh. Drunk Man Looks At The Thistle. Ed. Kenneth Buthlay. Edinburgh: Scottish Academic Press, 1987. (poem)
EngSem XX 2515/31, in print
Macpherson, James. The Poems of Ossian and Related Works: James Macpherson. Ed. Howard Gaskill. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1996.
EngSem XVIII 1335/142 , in print
Scott, Walter. Waverley or 'Tis Sixty Years Since. London: Dent, 1906. (novel, 1814)
EngSem XIX 2001/81 [sekretiert], in print
Stevenson, Robert Louis. Kidnapped. London: Oxford UP, 1961. (novel, 1886)
EngSem XIX 2192/17+1, in print
Kerrigan, Catherine, ed. An Anthology of Scottish Women Poets. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1991.
Ordered for EngSem, still in print
Watson, Roderick, ed. The Poetry of Scotland: Gaelic, Scots and English. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1995.
EngSem XX 1/86, in print
Lynch, Michael. Scotland: A New History. London: Century, 1991.
ULB 3D 78909, in print
Watson, Roderick. The Literature of Scotland. The Middle Ages to the Nineteenth Century. Vol. 1. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
EngSem LIT BJ 1984:2+2 [1], in print
---. The Literature of Scotland. The Twentieth Century. Vol. 2. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007.
EngSem LIT BJ 1984:2+2 [2], in print