Summer term 2012
Below you will find all classes taught by staff members associated with the English, Postcolonial and Media Studies in summer term 2012.
Prof. Dr. Mark Stein
Dr. Silke Stroh
Caroline Kögler
Dr. des Ksenia Robbe
Carla Müller-Schulzke
Felipe Espinoza Garrido
Ringvorlesung: Crossovers: Postcolonial studies and transcultural learning
Prof. Dr. Mark Stein
'The hurricane does not roar in pentameters': Engaging Caribbean poetry
096430 | Hauptseminar (M.A./M.Ed. Seminar) l 2 SWS l Mon, 14-16 l ES 333
In his study The History of the Voice, the Jamaican critic E.K. Brathwaite points out that the “hurricane does not roar in pentameters.” As a Caribbean phenomenon, the hurricane, cannot be adequately expressed in a European form; more generally, Caribbean experience and culture require Caribbean voices and forms of expression. In this seminar we will engage with a range of Caribbean voices, with the continuum of expression from Caribbean to standard English, and with a range of poetic forms. Writers on the syllabus include Nobel laureate Derek Walcott, Una Marson, Louise Bennett, The Mighty Chalkdust and others.
Caribbean cultural production: A historical overview
096129 | Vorlesung | 2 SWS | Tue, 14-16 | AudiMax
This lecture provides an overview of the literatures and cultures of the English-speaking Caribbean. Poetry, drama, and prose as well as (albeit to a lesser degree) film and fine arts are examined with respect to the history of colonialism, slavery, indenture and genocide; the experiences of migration, diaspora, and racism; as well as the processes of linguistic creolization, cultural syncretism, and transculturation.
The lecture does cover some relevant early modern, eighteenth and nineteenth century texts; however the main focus is on twentieth and twenty-first century cultural production. Dominant paradigms of Caribbean literary criticism such as anti-colonialism, the Middle Passage, and remembrance are explored alongside more recent subjects such as the 'doubly-colonised' woman or transnationalism.
Previous experience of postcolonial studies is not required.
096258 | Colloquium | 2 SWS | Thu, 10-12 | ES 333
Diese Veranstaltung ist auf die Bedürfnisse von Studierenden zugeschnitten, die sich bei mir zum Examen angemeldet haben, die bei mir eine Modulabschlussprüfung absolvieren, oder denen ich vom Prüfungsamt als Prüfer zugewiesen wurde.
Die Veranstaltung befasst sich - in getrennten Sitzungen - mit allen Prüfungstypen; es geht es um schriftliche Prüfungen (Klausuren), mündliche Abschlussprüfungen (Staatsexamen/Magister), Modulabschlussprüfungen (mündlich, schriftlich) sowie um die Anfertigung von schriftlichen Hausarbeiten bzw. Examensarbeiten. Spezifische Probleme und Strategien der Prüfungsvorbereitung werden besprochen; Prüfungssimulationen können durchgeführt werden.
TeilnehmerInnen besuchen die für sie relevanten Sitzungen, sowie zwei verbindliche Plenarsitzungen. Für Studierende, deren BA-, MA-, MAed-Arbeit durch mich betreut werden, findet 14-tägig ein Examenskolloquium statt. Hier werden Projekte geplant, vorgestellt und diskutiert.
Persönliche Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich (sie erfolgt in der ersten Sitzung), wohl aber die elektronische Anmeldung in HISLSF.
Kolloquium Postcolonial, Transnational and Transcultural Studies (14-tägig)
096870 | PhD Colloquium | 1 SWS
This is a doctoral/post-doctoral research colloquium on postcolonial, transnational and transcultural studies (ptts).
Kolloquium Promotionskolleg Literaturtheorie als Theorie der Gesellschaft
092559| PhD Colloquium | 2 SWS | Wed, 18-20 | ES 333 | mit Prof. Dr. M. Wagner-Egelhaaf
Im Kolloquium werden die Promotionsprojekte der Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden diskutiert und Grundlagentexte zur thematischen Profilierung des Promotionskollegs „Literaturtheorie als Theorie der Gesellschaft“ gelesen. Das Kolloquium versteht sich als ein Forum, in dem neben fachlichen Fragen auch karrieretechnische Themen erörtert werden können.
RV Crossovers: Postcolonial studies and transcultural learning
Ringvorlesung | 1 SWS | Tue, 18-20 | ES131 | mit Prof. Dr. Ch. Lütge
This series of lectures inaugurates our new crossover format for inter- and transdisciplinary research in and beyond the English Seminar at WWU Münster.
This semester, the lecture series on topics relevant to Postcolonial Studies and Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) brings together papers which explore, perform and theorize various kinds of crossovers:
- disciplinary crossovers between Postcolonial Studies and TEFL with respect to various aspects of teaching in the broadest sense (both, at university or school level). Possible topics include the revised literary canons of our postcolonial and globalized world; the new diversity and emphatic pluralism in many English-speaking countries; and all aspects of “decolonizing the mind” in their impact on transcultural learning through cultural products
- thematic crossovers referring to transcultural discourses, including fictions of migration, world literature(s), ecocriticism, ecodidactics, and other fields that invite students and learners of all ages to engage with and intervene in global, cultural, political, and social debates and contexts
- intermedial crossovers across different media such as texts, films, photography or other media; or between scribal, visual and cultural literacy. These bring into play multi-faceted representations of cultural encounters in a variety of locations and contexts, especially in terms of imag(in)ing otherness and the dynamic re-negotiations of cultural meaning
More information on the lecture series can be found here.
Dr. Silke Stroh
Three Indian Novelists
096167 l (Pro)Seminar (BA-Aufbaumodul) l 2 SWS l Tue, 10–12 l ES 2
This course will give students the opportunity to further develop their skills in the analysis of novels. At the same time, the course aims to provide an introduction to key aspects of Indian literature in English. This will be done through case studies of three novels from different historical periods. We will undertake close readings of the novels in question; set them in relation to their authors’ other works; explore their historical, social and cultural contexts; and read them through the lens of different theoretical approaches, such as postcolonial and gender studies.
Literature and Transmigration
096444 l Hauptseminar (M.A./M.Ed. Seminar) l 2 SWS l Tue, 16-18 l ES 3
This seminar explores the concept of transmigration as a specific form of migration and diasporicity. We will explore different definitions that have been given of the term ‘transmigration’ and study their theoretical implications. This will be done primarily with reference to anthropology, sociology, history and political science. Our discussions of the concept touch upon the following issues: Which different forms of migration and diaspora have existed historically? How have modern technology and globalisation changed the experience of migration and diaspora in recent years? How have the identities and life practices of migrants and diasporic people related to ‘old’ and ‘new’ locations of settlement, to space and territory, to culture and community, to the nation and the nation-state? Does multiple migration give rise to migrant/diasporic which are different from those created by single migration? How do migrant and diasporic minorities relate to the larger societies of ‘home’ and ‘host’ countries? How do they impact on the way we understand ethnic, cultural and national identity in general?
In addition to these theoretical questions, we will explore how experiences of transmigration are portrayed in literary texts and other cultural narratives, such as popular history and discourses of memory, rituals and museums.
Caroline Kögler
Academic Skills II (Gruppe I)
095869 l Übung l 2 SWS l Wed, 08-10 l ES 226
Please register online and send me an email:
First session: 11/04/2012
Reading Class zur Vorlesung „Caribbean Cultural Production: A Historical Overview” (Prof. Dr. Mark Stein)
096960 l Reading Class l 2 SWS l Wed, 16-18 l ES 3
To register, please send me an email:
First session: 11/04/2012
Dr. des. Ksenia Robbe
Postcolonial Intellectuals between Exile and Home
096702 l Reading Class l 2 SWS l Wed, 14-16 l ES 3
Experiences of exile – involving the issues of agency and positionality in relation to readers, critics, and traditions – are among the aspects crucial to examining the cultural production of postcolonial intellectuals and understanding the politics of its reception. These material and intellectual experiences lie at the core of discourses in postcolonial theory, criticism, and creative writing. In view of the variety of politically motivated cultural translocations, ‘exile’ can be regarded in terms of transnational migration (in particular from the global South to the global North) as well as ‘internal’ displacement in the regimes of state repression involving the practices of imprisonment and censorship. Also in the post-totalitarian world subjected to neo-liberal global pressures, freedom of expression in its relation to the politics of location remain the matters that beg persistent critical attention.
The aim of this reading class is to examine various these self-reflexive inscriptions of exile – theoretical, critical, and fictional – in texts by postcolonial intellectuals. Our exploration of the topic will focus, firstly, on texts in postcolonial theory that conceptualize intellectuals’ (dis)locations between the (post)colony and the metropole to reflect on racism, mimicry, and identity (Franz Fanon and Homi Bhabha), on representation and secular critique (Antonio Gramsci and Edward Said), and on cosmopolitanism and class (Ulrich Beck and Arjun Appadurai). Departing from these theoretical backgrounds, we will examine some examples of translocal cultural production by South African intellectuals involving the experiences of emigration and dissidence during apartheid as well as homecoming and critical engagement with the post-apartheid regime. Our discussions will include critical writing and creative non-fiction (by i.a. Lewis Nkosi, André Brink, J.M. Coetzee, Achille Mbembe, and Sarah Nuttall) as well as a novel by Mandla Langa and Zoë Wicomb’s recent short story collection.
Students are expected to have read the two latter books:
Langa, Mandla. The Memory of Stones. David Philip Publ., 2000.
Wicomb, Zoë. The One That Got Away. Five Leaves Publ., 2011.
Essays and book chapters will be made available online.
Carla Müller-Schulzke
Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies II
095816 l Grundkurs l 2 SWS l Fri, 12-14 l ES 131
Felipe Espinoza Garrido
Academic Writing Skills II (Gruppe III)
095888 l Sprachpraktische Übungen l 2 SWS l Wed, 8-10 l ES 131
Academic Writing Skills II (Gruppe IV)
095892 l Sprachpraktische Übungen l 2 SWS l Tue, 18-20 l ES 130