The Friends of the Ehrenpreis Centre for Swift Studies invite applications for the Jonathan Swift Travel Grant. This stipend is issued on an annual basis and may cover travel expenses, accommodation, and direct research costs. It intends to support young talented Swift scholars from home and abroad who wish to explore the extensive holdings of the Ehrenpreis Centre for their research projects.
Applicants must hold at least a Master’s Degree and submit a dossier to the Friends of the Ehrenpreis Centre for Swift Studies (realh@uni-muenster.de).
A full dossier consists of
• a Curriculum Vitae
• a description of the research project (300-400 words)
• a proposal of the purpose and intended length of the stay, including a calculation of the costs (travel fares, accommodation, board)
• a letter of reference (e.g. from the academic supervisor).
In their proposal, applicants should explain why consulting the holdings of the Ehrenpreis Centre for Swift Studies is essential for their research project.
Applications must be submitted no later than 31 January of the year of the intended stay.
Further information may be obtained from the Chairman of the Board (realh@uni-muenster.de).
Professor Dr Hermann Josef Real
Co-Director of the Ehrenpreis Centre for Swift Studies
University of Münster
Johannisstrasse 12-20
48143 Münster