PD Dr. Franziska Quabeck

Professorship for British Studies: Early Modern and Modern Texts (Prof. Stierstorfer)

Johannisstr. 12-20, room 304
48143 Münster

T: +49 251 83-24951

Consultation Hours

SFB "Recht und Literatur"
Domplatz 6
Raum 226

  • Research Areas

    • The Rise of the Novel in Britain (1700-1900)
    • Charles Dickens and 19th-Century British Literature
    • Kazuo Ishiguro and Contemporary Anglophone Fiction
    • Shakespeare and Elizabethan Drama
    • Queer and Gender Studies
    • Comedy and Humour Theory
    • Law and Literature
    • Narrative Theory
  • CV


    Habilitation zum Thema "Alterity, Authenticity and Anerkennung in Unauthentic Narration"
    Promotion zum Thema "Just and Unjust Wars in Shakespeare"
    Magisterstudium der Fächer Philosophie und Englische Philologie an der WWU und der University of Exeter, Devon


    Research Fellow SFB 1385 "Law and Literature" - Project C02: "Literature as 'Equity' in British Literary History"
    Acting Professor for English and Anglophone Literatues at the University of Vienna
    Research Assistant
    Acting Professor for British Studies at the University of Münster
    Acting Professor for British Studies at the University of Münster
    Research Assistant (British Studies)

    External Functions

    Mitglied im Gemeinsam beschließenden Ausschuss der Fachbereich 8 und 9
    Gleichstellungsbeauftragte des Fachbereichs 09
    Mitglied der Gleichstellungskommission des Fachbereichs 9
    stellvertretendes Mitglied im Vorstand des Englischen Seminars
    ordentliches Mitglied im Fachbereichsrat FB 09 (Philologie)
    stellvertretendes Mitglied im Fachbereichsrat FB 09 (Philologie)
    ordentliches Mitglied im Ausschuss für Lehre und studentische Angelegenheiten (ALSA) des FB 09 (Philologie)
  • Teaching






    Sonstige Lehrveranstaltungen

  • Project

  • Publications

    • Quabeck, Franziska. . ‘"The Comfort of the Male Gaze in Dickens's *Our Mutual Friend*".’ In Rethinking Gothic Transgressions of Gender and Sexuality. New Directions in Gothic Studies., edited by Faber, Sarah; Münderlein, Kerstin-Anja, 35–47. New York: Routledge.
    • Quabeck, Franziska. . ‘"The Yellow Leaf - Age and the Gothic in Dickens".’ Connotations 33: 1–17.
    • Quabeck, Franziska. . ‘"'A most heinous crime' - Debauchery in Henry Fielding's *Tom Jones*.’ In Verbrechen wider die Natur, edited by Achermann, Eric; Stiening, Gideon. J.B. Metzler Verlag. [accepted / in Press (not yet published)]
    • Quabeck, Franziska. . ‘Blood on the Continent or What is a Gentleman? Dickens' *A Tale of Two Cities*.’ In Europe in Law and Literature, edited by Stierstorfer, Klaus. J.B. Metzler Verlag. [accepted / in Press (not yet published)]
    • Quabeck, Franziska. . ‘Witches and Outlaws - Female Stereotypes in Dickens's *Dombey and Son*.’ In Feminist Perspectives in Law and Literature, edited by Kroll, Hannah; Schmitz-Justen, Laura; Wittmann, Laura; Zander, Laura. De Gruyter. [accepted / in Press (not yet published)]
    • Quabeck, Franziska. . Not I – Kazuo Ishiguro and the Politics of Misrecognition. 500th Ed. Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Winter.
    • Quabeck, Franziska. . ‘Just War Theory and Shakespeare.’ In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare and War, edited by Loewenstein, David and Paul Stevens, 19–34. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    • Quabeck, Franziska. . ‘"In Defense of Mr Micawber - Symbolic Equity in Dickens".’ Symbolism 21: 197–215.
    • Quabeck, Franziska (Eds.): . Symbolism Special Focus: Law and Literature. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter.
    • Quabeck, Franziska. . The Lawyer in Dickens. Berlin/New York: De Gruyter.
    • Quabeck Franziska. . ‘Dickens's Dirty Children.’ In Victorian Surfaces in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture. Skin, Silk, and Show , edited by Baumbach Sibylle, Ratheiser Ulla, 117–133. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
    • Quabeck, Franziska. . ‘Dickens and the Comedy of Camp.’ Anglistik 31, No. 2: 77–91.
    • Quabeck, Franziska. . ‘Shakespeare's Unjust Wars.’ Critical Survey 30, No. 1: 67–80.
    • Quabeck Franziska. . ‘'A Kind of Shadow' - Mirror Images and Alter Egos in Zadie Smith's *Swing Time*.’ ZAA 66, No. 4: 461–477.
    • Quabeck Franziska. . ‘'That's more than we know' - The Principle of Responsibility and the Common Soldier in Shakespeare's Plays.’ Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society 7: 38–52.
    • Quabeck, Franziska. . ‘Dirt and Dickens's Symbolic Realism in *Bleak House*.’ Symbolism 18: 181–196.
    • Quabeck, Franziska. . ‘Cultural Rights and the Politics of Recognition in Kazuo Ishiguro's *Never Let Me Go*.’ In Diaspora, Law and Literature, edited by Carpi Daniela, Stierstorfer Klaus, 205–222. Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter.
    • Gocke Rainer, Quabeck Franziska (Eds.): . Shakespeare on Stage and Screen: *Macbeth* in Excerpts - Teachers' Book. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
    • Gocke Rainer, Quabeck Franziska (Eds.): . Shakespeare on Stage and Screen: *Macbeth* in Excerpts. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
    • Gocke Rainer, Quabeck Franziska. . Shakespeare on Stage and Screen: *Hamlet* in Excerpts. Teachers' Book. Paderborn: Schöningh-Schulbuch.
    • Quabeck, Franziska. . ‘Oddity Magnified - In Search of Identity in Kazuo Ishiguro's *When We Were Orphans*.’ Symbolism 14: 149–162.
    • Gocke Rainer, Quabeck Franziska (Eds.): . Shakespeare on Stage and Screen: *Hamlet* in Excerpts. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
    • Quabeck Franziska. . John Locke's Concept of Natural Law from the *Essays on the Law of Nature* to the *Second Treatise of Government*. Münster: LIT Verlag.
    • Quabeck Franziska. . Just and Unjust Wars in Shakespeare. 1st Ed. Berlin: De Gruyter.
    • Quabeck Franziska, Gocke Rainer. . Discover...William Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice. Teachers' Book. Paderborn: Schöningh-Schulbuch.
    • Quabeck Franziska, Gocke Rainer. . Discover... William Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice. Paderborn: Schöningh-Schulbuch.
    • Quabeck Franziska. . ‘Just War Theory in Gregory Burke’s The Straits and Black Watch.’ In Annual Proceedings of the German Society for Contemporary Drama in English, edited by Berninger Mark, Reitz Bernhard. Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier.
    • Quabeck Franziska. . ‘Rezension zu: The Cambridge Companion to War Writing.’ Symbolism 11: 279–282.
    • Gocke Rainer, Quabeck Franziska. . Discover … William Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing. Teachers’ Book. Paderborn: Schöningh-Schulbuch.
    • Gocke Rainer, Quabeck Franziska. . Discover ... William Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing. Paderborn: Schöningh-Schulbuch.
    • Quabeck, Franziska. . ‘Queen Elizabeth I.’ In Much Ado About Nothing, edited by Gocke Rainer, Quabeck Franziska, 103–105. Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
    • Quabeck, Franziska. . ‘Shooting Up and Coming Home – Heroin as a Substitute for Home in Irvine Welsh’s Trainspotting and Porno.’ Contributed to the Constructions of Home. Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture, Law and Literature, Münster.
  • Scientific Talks

    • Quabeck, Franziska (): ‘"'I forgive her' - The Ghost in *Great Expectations*"’. Victorian Resurrections (Universität Wien), Universität Wien, .
    • Quabeck, Franziska (): ‘"The Yellow Leaf - Age and the Gothic in Dickens"’. ESSE 2022 - Annual Meeting of the European Society for the Study of English (Universität Mäinz), Mainz, .
    • Quabeck, Franziska (): ‘'A most heinous crime' - Debauchery in Henry Fielding's *Tom Jones*’. Verbrechen Wider die Natur - Literatur und Strafrecht im 17. und 18. Jh. (Sonderforschungsbereich 1385 "Recht und Literatur"), Münster, .
    • Quabeck, Franziska (): „Königinnen im Krieg“. Shakespeare und Politik (Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft), Weimar, .
    • Quabeck, Franziska (): ‘"'He borrows nothing from fever' - Humour and Comedy and Women"’. Funny Women - International Symposium (Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt / TU Dresden), Amerikahaus München, .
    • Quabeck, Franziska (): ‘Dickens and the Camp Aesthetic’. Anglistentag 2019, Leipzig, .
    • Quabeck, Franziska (): ‘Told and Not Told - Kazuo Ishiguro's *Never Let Me Go*’. Gastvortrag an der Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, .
    • Quabeck, Franziska (): ‘Dickens' Dirty Children’. Anglistentag 2018, Bonn, .
    • Quabeck, Franziska (): ‘The Silent Witness to Unauthentic Narration’. Complicity and the Politics of Representation, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, .
    • Quabeck, Franziska (): ‘Just War Theory in Shakespeare’. 43rd Annual Meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America, Vancouver, Canada, .
    • Quabeck, Franziska (): ‘'A perfectly innocuous survey' - The Individual as Historical Agent in Brian Friel's *The Home Place*’. Theatre and History: Cultural Transformations. Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Drama in English, Hamburg, Germany, .
    • Quabeck, Franziska (): ‘'That's more than we know': The Principle of Responsibility and the Common Soldier in William Shakespeare's Plays’. Moralities of Warfare. The Combatants' View, Vienna, Austria, .
    • Quabeck, Franziska (): ‘Cultural Rights and the Politics of Recognition’. Vigoni Talks on Diaspora, Law and Literature, Villa Vigoni, Milan, Italy, .
    • Quabeck, Franziska (): ‘Shakespeare in Law-and-Literature Studies’. Can Literature Learn from the Law? - Round Table Discussion with Richard Weisberg, Münster, Germany, .
    • Quabeck, Franziska (): ‘Just War Theory in Gregory Burke's *The Straits* and *Black Watch*’. Ethical Debates in Contemporary Theatre and Drama - Annual Conference of the German Society for Contemporary Drama in English, Mainz, Germany, .
    • Quabeck, Franziska (): ‘"Kazuo Ishiguro's Fictionalisation of Trauma as Pretext"’. Contemporary British Fiction: Narrating Trauma, Violence and Loss. International Conference in Association with the UK Network for Modern Fiction Studies, Mainz, Germany, .
    • Quabeck, Franziska (): ‘Shooting Up and Coming Home - Heroin as a Substitute for Home in Irvine Welsh's *Trainspotting* and *Porno*’. Constructions of Home. Interdisciplinary Studies in Architecture, Law and Literature, Münster, Germany, .