JProf Dr. Caroline Kögler

Professorship for British Studies: Early Modern and Modern Texts (Prof. Stierstorfer)
Since May 2023: JProf Dr. Caroline Kögler Global Literature and its Media Freie Universität Berlin For the remaining summer semester: interim lecturer at Englisches Seminar Münster
JProf Dr. Caroline Kögler

Johannisstr. 12-20, room 324
48143 Münster

T: +49 251 83-24826

Consultation Hours

By appointment

Nach Absprache

  • Research Areas

    • British (Anglophone) Studies
    • Postcolonial Studies
    • Economic Criticism
    • Law and Literature
    • 18th Century Literature and Culture
    • 19th Century Literature and Culture
    • Queer & Gender Studies; intersectionality
    • Literary Emotion, Literary History of Emotion, and Affect Studies
    • The Digital Literary Sphere; Digitalisierung
    • Citizenship, Exile, Migration
    • Neo-Victorianism
    • Posthumanism
    • South Africa, Caribbean, Black Britain; The Atlantic World
  • CV


    'Venia Legendi' für Britische und Anglophone Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft
    Habilitation, Chair of British Studies, University of Münster | Topic: "Emotion’s Empire and the Rise of the Novel: Cultural Politics of Attaching, Grieving, and Coping in the Anglo-Atlantic 1688–1847"
    Visiting Scholar, University of Oxford (Host: Christine Gerrard)
    Dissertation: "Critical Branding: Postcolonial Studies and the Market", University of Münster
    Research stay, University of Exeter
    State Examination for Gymnasium/Gesamtschule (German & English) University of Münster
    Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (German & English), University of Münster
    State Examination for Berufskolleg (German & English)
    English Literature (Year Abroad), University of the Exeter


    Member, DFG-Network "Voices & Agencies: America and the Atlantic, 1500-1865"
    Member, DFG-Network "Model Aesthetics: Between Literary and Economic Knowledge"
    Contributing Researcher, "Gender Imbalance in the Book Industry (2021–2023)"; DAAD-funded Project (Project-Related Personal Exchange, PPP) with Monash University, Melbourne
    Member, DFG-Network "Methodologies of Economic Criticism"
    Mitglied des Jungen Kollegs der Nordrheinwestfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste
    PI (Teilprojektleiterin), "Markt und Literatur", SFB 1385 "Recht und Literatur" (DFG)
    Assistant Professor, Chair of British Studies, University of Münster
    Gender Equality Representative (Gleichstellungsbeauftragte), Philologies, University of Münster
    Treasurer of Gesellschaft für Anglophone Postkoloniale Studien (GAPS, formerly GNEL/ASNEL)
    Lecturer and Researcher, Chair of English, Postcolonial and Media Studies, University of Münster
    Employed by the Chair of English, Postcolonial and Media Studies (University of Münster) to co-write a funding application
    Literaturkommission für Westfalen, Münster (Studentisches Voluntariat)
    Student Gender and Equality Representative, University of Exeter


    Appointment as member of the Young Academy of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences – North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences

    External Functions

    Junges Kolleg der Nordrheinwestfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste
    The Brontë Society
    Die Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts
    Deutsche Gesellschaft für das Studium britischer Kulturen (BritCult)
    British Association for Eighteenth Century Studies
    European Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies (EACLALS)
    Modern Language Association (MLA)
    Postcolonial Studies Association, Social Networks Coordinator (Exec Committee since 2016)
    Gesellschaft für Anglophone Postkoloniale Studien (GAPS; formerly GNEL/ASNEL)


    University of Duisburg-Essen, British and Anglophone Studies (W3) – accepted
  • Teaching


    Sonstige Lehrveranstaltungen

    Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung

    Sonstige Lehrveranstaltungen

    Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung

    Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung


    Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung

    Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung

    Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung


    Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung




    Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung


    Sonstige Lehrveranstaltung
  • Projects

    In Process
    • CRC 1385: Law and Literature - A02: Literature and the Market ()
      Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted at the University of Münster: DFG - Collaborative Research Centre | Project Number: SFB 1385/1, A02
    • DAAD Programm des projektbezogenen Personenaustausches Australien 2021-2023 - Gender Imbalance in the Book Industry ()
      Individual Granted Project: DAAD - Programm des projektbezogenen Personenaustauschs mit verschiedenen Partnerländern | Project Number: 575596
    • Emotion’s Empire and the Rise of the Novel: Cultural Politics of Attaching, Grieving, and Coping in the Anglo-Atlantic 1688–1847 [Habilitation] ()
      Own Resources Project
  • Publications


    Books (Monographs)
    • Koegler, Caroline, Norrick-Ruehl, Corinna. . Are Books still ‘Different’? Literature as Culture and Commodity in a Digital Age. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/9781108982450.
    • Koegler, Caroline. . Critical Branding. Postcolonial Studies and the Market. New York: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781315144825.
    Books (Edited Collections)
    • Koegler, Caroline, Malreddy, Pavan, Tronicke, Marlena (Eds.): . Writing Brexit: Colonial Remains. Abingdon: Routledge.
    • Koegler, Caroline, Reddig, Jesper, Stierstorfer, Klaus (Eds.): . Citizenship, Law and Literature. Berlin: De Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783110749830.
    • Espinoza Garrido, Felipe, Caroline Koegler, Deborah Nyangulu, and Mark Stein (Eds.): . Locating African European Studies: Interventions, Intersections, Conversations. London and New York: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429491092.

    Special Issues of Journals


    Research Articles (Journals)
    • Koegler, Caroline. . ‘Follow the Hatred: The Production of Negative Feeling in Emily Brontë’s "Wuthering Heights" (1847).’ NOVEL. A Forum on Fiction 54, No. 2: 270–286. doi: 10.1215/00295132-9004531.
    • Koegler, Caroline. . ‘Uneasy Forms of Interdisciplinarity: Literature, Business Studies, and the Limits of Critique.’ Anglistik. International Journal of English Studies 32, No. 3: 33–51. doi: 10.33675/ANGL/2021/3/6.
    • Koegler, Caroline. . ‘Queer Home-Making and Black Britain: Claiming, Ageing, Living.’ Interventions. International Journal of Postcolonial Studies 22:7. doi: 10.1080/1369801X.2020.1718536.
    • Koegler, Caroline. . ‘Posthumanism and Colonial Discourse. 19th-Century Literature and 21st-Century Critique.’ Open Library of Humanities Journal 6.2. doi: 10.16995/olh.613.
    • Koegler, Caroline, Pavan Malreddy, Marlena Tronicke. . ‘The Colonial Remains of Brexit: Empire Nostalgia and Narcissistic Nationalism.’ Journal of Postcolonial Writing 56 (5): 582–592. doi: 10.1080/17449855.2020.1818440.
    • Koegler, Caroline, Tronicke, Marlena. . ‘Neo-Victorianism’s Queer Potentiality: Livability and Intersectional Imaginaries.’ Neo-Victorian Studies 13, No. 1: 1–43. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.4317164.
    • Koegler, Caroline. . ‘Deadly Desires, Dubious Pleasures—Grievability, Status, and the Subjection of Female Autonomy in Eliza Haywood’s Love in Excess (1719).’ Women's Writing 26. doi: 10.1080/09699082.2019.1616954.
    • Koegler, Caroline. . ‘Precarious Urbanity. 'The Jungle' (Calais) and the Politics of Performing the Urban.’ Postcolonial Text 12, No. 3: 1–15.
    Research Article (Book Contributions)
    • Koegler, Caroline. . ‘Memorialising African Being and Becoming in the Atlantic World: Affective Her-stories by Yaa Gyasi and Bernardine Evaristo.’ In The Routledge Companion to Gender and Affect, edited by Reeser, Todd W., 374–385. New York: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003045007.
    • Koegler, Caroline. . ‘Oceans of Non-Relation. Affect and Narcissistic Imperialism in Sea Poetry by James Thomson, Charlotte Brontë, and Hannah More.’ In Comparative Practices. Literature, Language, and Culture in Britain's Long Eighteenth Century, edited by Böhm-Schnitker Nadine, Hartner Marcus, 179–202. Bielefeld: Transcript Verlag. doi: 10.1515/9783839457993-008.
    • Koegler, Caroline, Norrick-Rühl, Corinna, Pohlmann, Petra, Sieg, Gernot. . „“Must Writers Be Moral?”: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf “Morality Clauses” im Literaturbetrieb.“ In Literatur und Recht: Materialität. Formen und Prozesse gegenseitiger Vergegenständlichung, herausgegeben von Achermann, Eric, Blödorn, Andreas, Pohlmann, Petra, Norrick-Rühl, Corinna, _. Berlin: De Gruyter. [online first]
    • Koegler, Caroline. . ‘Literature and Performative Citizenship: Moshin Hamid's 'Exit West' (2017).’ In Citizenship, Law and Literature, edited by Koegler, Caroline, Reddig, Jesper, Stierstorfer, Klaus, 45–65. Berlin: De Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783110749830-004.
    • Koegler, Caroline, Pavan Malreddy, Marlena Tronicke. . ‘The Colonial Remains of Brexit: Empire Nostalgia and Narcissistic Nationalism.’ In Writing Brexit: Colonial Remains, edited by Koegler, Caroline, Pavan Malreddy, Marlena Tronicke, 1–8. Routledge: Routledge.
    • Koegler, Caroline, Reddig, Jesper, Stierstorfer, Klaus. . ‘Citizenship-as-Literature, Citizenship-in-Literature.’ In Citizenship, Law and Literature, edited by Koegler, Caroline, Reddig, Jesper, Stierstorfer, Klaus, 1–12. Berlin: De Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783110749830-001.
    • Koegler, Caroline. . ‘The Market as a Dimension of Practice. Commodification, Ideology, and Postcolonial Studies. .’ In Ideology in Postcolonial Texts and Contexts., edited by Katja Sarkowsky and Mark Stein, 43–56. Leiden: Brill. doi: 10.1163/9789004437456_005.
    • Koegler, Caroline. . ‘Village Du Monde? (Fortress) Europe, the 'Jungle' of Calais, and the African European Paradigm.’ In Locating African European Studies: Interventions-Intersections-Conversations, edited by Espinoza Garrido, Felipe; Koegler, Caroline; Nyangulu, Deborah; Stein, Mark, 45–61. New York: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429491092-3.
    • Koegler, Caroline. . ‘Newfound Futures: Queer Planetary Perspectives on Loss, Exile, and Post-Exile in Jeanette Winterson’s The Stone Gods (2007).’ In Nach-Exil / Post-Exile, edited by Bannasch, Bettina; Sarkowsky, Katja, 216–239. Berlin: De Gruyter. doi: 10.1515/9783110688030-011.
    • Espinoza Garrido, Felipe, Caroline Koegler, Deborah Nyangulu, and Mark U. Stein. . ‘African European studies as a critique of contingent belonging.’ In Locating African European Studies: Interventions, Intersections, Conversations, edited by Felipe Espinoza Garrido, Caroline Koegler, Deborah Nyangulu, and Mark U. Stein, 1–28. London & New York: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9780429491092-1.
    • Koegler, Caroline. . ‘At Whose Cost? A Critical Reading of Carolyn Cooper’s Keynote Lecture 'Cross Talk: Jamaican Popular Music and the Politics of Translation.'.’ In Contested Communities, edited by Mühleisen, Susanne, 291–301. Leiden: Brill. doi: 10.1163/9789004335288_019.
    • Kögler, Caroline. . ‘Responding and Responsibility: Postcolonial Intertextuality in J.M. Coetzee's Foe.’ In Literaturtheorie als Theorie der Gesellschaft, edited by Promotionskolleg Literaturtheorie als Theorie der Gesellschaft, 315–342. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Verlag.
    • Kögler, Caroline. . „"Am Ufer der Gedanken": Derek Walcotts transozeanische Collage karibischer Identität.In "Die Lyrik ist eine Insel, die sich vom Festland ablöst." Preis der Stadt Münster für Internationale Poesie 2013 an Derek Walcott und Werner von Koppenfels., herausgegeben von Hermann Wallmann, 42–49.
    • Kögler, Caroline. . ‘"On the Shore of the mind": Derek Walcott's transoceanic collage of Caribbean identity.’ In "Die Lyrik ist eine Insel, die sich vom Festland ablöst." Preis der Stadt Münster für Internationale Poesie 2013 an Derek Walcott und Werner von Koppenfels. , edited by Hermann Wallmann und das Kulturamt Münster, 50–57.
    • Kögler, Caroline, with Marion Wood. . ‘Translation of Mechthild Curtius' "Landschaften – Landscapes".’ In Literatur in Westfalen, edited by Gödden, Walter, 375–384.
    Entries in Encyclopediae (Book Contributions)
    • Koegler, Caroline. . ‘„Posthumanism and the Question of Race; or: Posthumanisation in the Colonial Anthropocene”.’ In, edited by Callus, Ivan, Herbrechter, Stefan, Rossini, Manuela, '.
    • Koegler, Caroline. . ‘Jackie Kay: Trumpet (1998).’ In The Literary Encyclopedia. Volume Postwar and Contemporary English Writing and Culture , 1945-present., edited by Jenni Ramone, _.
    • Koegler, Caroline. . ‘Bernardine Evaristo: Mr Loverman (2013).’ In The Literary Encyclopedia. Volume Postwar and Contemporary English Writing and Culture , 1945-present., edited by Kaneko-Lucas, Valerie, Myler, Kerry, Osborne, Deirdre, Rahn, Judith, Ramone, Jenni,

    Review (Journals)

    • Koegler, Caroline. . ‘Kristine Steenbergh and Katherine Ibbett eds, Compassion in Early Modern Literature and Culture. Feeling and Practice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2021.Shakespeare Jahrbuch 159: 194–197.
    • Koegler, Caroline. . ‘Kai Wiegandt: J.M. Coetzee’s Revisions of the Human (Palgrave, 2020).’ Anglistik 33, No. 3.
    • Koegler. Caroline. . ‘Paul Crosthwaite, The Market Logics of Contemporary Fiction. Cambridge University Press, 2019.’ C21 Literature: Journal of 21st-Century Writings 8, No. 1. doi: 10.16995/c21.2918.
    • Koegler, Caroline. . ‘Judith Butler: Notes Toward a Performative Theory of Assembly.’ Symbolism. An International Annual of Critical Aesthetics : 285–291.
    • Koegler, Caroline. . ‘Reworking Postcolonialism: Globalization, Labour and Rights (Ed. by Pavan Kumar Malreddy, Birte Heidemann, Ole Birk Laursen and Janet Wilson).’ EACLALS Newsletter .

    Other Scientific Publications

    • Koegler, Caroline. . Branding Justice.: PSA Newsletter #24. 16-19. Postcolonial Studies Association.
    • Kögler Caroline, Budt Michael. . Die Wirtschaftskrise aus der Sicht der Unternehmensberatungen. Münster: Arbeitspapier Nr. 51 des Instituts für Anlagen und Systemtechnologien.
  • Scientific Talks

    • Koegler, Caroline; Kumarasingham, Harshan; Almuth Ebke (): ‘Stuart Ward, "Untied Kingdom. A Global History of the End of Britain" (Cambridge University Press, 2023)’. Roundtable Book Launch, Centre for British Studies, Humboldt-Universität Berlin, .
    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘Pandemic Literature in the Wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic.’ Guest Lecture (online), Universität Konstanz, .

    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘Literary Studies and the Economic: On Interdisciplinarity and the Limits of Critique’. Antrittsvorlesung (PD), Englisches Seminar, Münster, .
    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘Prizing Non-Citizenship Literature: Behrouz Boochani’s 'No Friend But The Mountains' and the Economy of Literary Nationalism’. "Gender Imbalance in the Book Industry" (International Workshop), Universität Münster, .
    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘Reading Attachment in the Early Black Atlantic: From Adam Smith to the Plantation’. BGECS: Bonn Group for Eighteenth-Century Studies, Universität Bonn, .
    • Kögler, Caroline (): ‘When Gender Became Deadly? Homes, Lockdowns, and Normativity in Current Pandemic Fiction [online talk]’. ESSE conference, Universität Mainz, .
    • Kögler, Caroline (): ‘The Perishing Organization: Between Pandemic Fiction and Organizational Storytelling in the Wake of the Covid-19 Pandemic’. Corporations, Communities, Crowds: The Aesthetics of Collective Agency in Twenty-First Century Culture, Schloss Herrenhausen, Hannover, .
    • Kögler, Caroline (): ‘Transformational Archives, Distant Presence - Between Atlantic Historicity and Digital Renewal’. Guest Lecture, Universität Hamburg, .
    • Kögler, Caroline (): ‘Transregional Queer Imaginaries of Belonging. Polyphonic Gatherings and Archipelagic Archives’. Guest Lecture, Universität Frankfurt, .
    • Kögler, Caroline (): „"The End of Men" und "The Last She" - Perspektiven auf Well-Being und Gesellschaft in Aktueller Pandemischer Literatur“. Habilitations-Vortrag, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, .
    • Kögler, Caroline (): ‘Implicated Affect, or: Traumatic Attachments – Historical Perspectives’. Contested Solidarities (GAPS annual conference), Universität Frankfurt, .
    • Kögler, Caroline (): ‘From the Black Atlantic to the Digital Black Atlantic: Transformational Archives and Distant Presence’. Guest Lecture, Freie Universität Berlin, .
    • Kögler, Caroline (): ‘Alternative Archives in the Making. From Bernardine Evaristo to the Digital Literary Sphere’. Guest Lecture, University of Gießen, .
    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘Grievable Feelings, Capital Constraints: Emotion and/as Property in Henry Mackenzie’s Julia de Roubigné (1795), Anonymous’ The Woman of Colour (1808), and Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre (1847)’. Romantic Interventions: From Idealism to Activism, Universität Dortmund, .
    • Koegler, Caroline (): „"Kulturelle Ungleichheit: Differenz, Diversität, und Partizipation im Verlagswesen"“. Forschungstag der Nordrheinwestfälischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und Künste, online event, .
    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘Archipelagic Feeling in The Woman of Colour (1808): Writing Away From / Toward the Colonial Attachment Narrative’. Hotspots Lecture Series, University of Münster, .
    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘‘“Torn From Her, From France”: Figurations of Homesickness and Imperial Dread in Sarah Scott’s The History of Sir George Ellison and Henry Mackenzie’s The Man of Feeling and Julia de Roubigné’.’ British Association for Eighteenth-Century Studies (BSECS), online event, .

    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘“Torn From Her, From France”: Figurations of Homesickness and Imperial Dread in Sarah Scott’s The History of Sir George Ellison and Henry Mackenzie’s The Man of Feeling and Julia de Roubigné’. Elfte BGECS-Jahrestagung. Zuhause im 18. Jahrhundert, Universität Bonn, .
    • Koegler, Caroline; Lewis, Georgina (): ‘Whose Boundaries? Joint Perspectives from Sociology and Literary Studies on Forced Migration, Trauma, & the Integrity of Borders’. Breaking Boundaries. Reimagining Borders in Postcolonial and Migrant Studies, Manchester Metropolitan (online event), .

    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘"Follow the Hatred: The Production of Negative Feeling in Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights (1847)”’. Brontë2020, Brontë Parsonage Museum (Online Event), .
    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘Cultural Good or Economic Good? The Book, Fixed Book Prices, and the Singularity of Literature in an Age of Digitisation’. Book Studies Lecture Series (Corinna Norrick-Rühl), University of Münster, .
    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘Cinematic Representation and Imperial Politics of Emotion: UK Film Adaptations of 18th Century Slavery and Abolitionism’. "Imperial Fictions" Seminar, hosted by Dr Jennifer S. Henke, University of Bremen, .
    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘The Gothic Horrors of Suicide and Trauma: Failed Coping as Resistance in Olaudah Equiano’s Interesting Narrative (1789)’. British Society for Eighteenth Century Studies (BSECS), University of Oxford, .

    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘Fixed Book Prices, Digitisation, and the Profitable Notion of the Singularity of Literature’. Intersections of finance and society 2019 , University of London, .
    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘Heathcliff’s Hate, Catherine’s Liberation: Reading Emily Brontë’s Wuthering Heights (1847) as a Fantasy of Violation ’. Hotspots Lecture Series, English Department Münster, English Seminar, Münster, .
    • Caroline Koegler (): ‘Adapting Abolitionism, Sentimentalizing Whiteness: Imperialist Politics of Emotion in Contemporary British Film’. Zehnte BGECS-Jahrestagung. Das 18. Jahrhundert in Film und Populärkultur, University of Bonn, .
    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘Literature and … Business Studies. Conflicts and Crossovers’. Anglistentag 2019, Universität Leipzig, .
    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘Branding Justice’. PSA Convention, University of Manchester, .
    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘Deeply Affected: Reading trans-Atlantic journeys and the ‘politics of self-preservation’ in Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders and Olaudah Equiano’s Interesting Narrative’. ISECS International Congress on the Enlightenment, University of Edinburgh, UK, .
    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘Deeply Affected: Reading trans-Atlantic journeys and the ‘politics of self-preservation’ in Daniel Defoe’s Moll Flanders (1722) and Olaudah Equiano’s Interesting Narrative (1789)’. GAPS 2019: “Postcolonial Oceans”- Contradictions and Heterogeneities in the Epistemes of Salt Water, Universität Bremen, .
    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘Magic Pathways, Open Doors: Literature, Performative Citizenship, and Moshin Hamid’s Exit West (2017) ’. Citizenship, Law and Literature, Villa Vigoni, Centro Italo-Tedesco per l’Eccellenza Europea, Italia, .
    • Koegler, Caroline; Pohlmann, Petra (): „Markt und Literatur“. Begehung SFB "Law and Literature", University of Münster, .

    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘Deadly Desires, Dubious Pleasures – Grievability, Status, and the Subjection of Female Autonomy in Eliza Haywood’s Love in Excess (1719)’. Hotspots Lecture Series, English Department Münster University, University of Münster, .
    • Caroline Koegler (): ‘Love that Kills? And Whom? Grievability, Status, and Deadly Desires in Eliza Haywood’s Love in Excess (1719)’. Gendered Emotions Conference, University of Sheffield, .
    • Caroline Koegler (): „'The Market as a Dimension of Practice’ - Kommodifizierung, Ideologie und Postkoloniale Studien“. Lange Nacht der postkolonialen Theorie, Münster, Deutschland, .
    • Caroline Koegler (): ‘Sexual Identity and Diaspora: Bernardine Evaristo's "Mr Loverman"’. "On Whose Terms?" - Ten Years Later, Goldsmiths, University of London, .

    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘Precarious urbanity: ‘The Jungle’ (Calais) and the politics of performing the urban’. "Representing Poverty and Precarity in a Postcolonial World" (GAPS annual conference) , University of Bonn, Germany, .
    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘Precarious urbanity: ‘The Jungle’ (Calais) and the politics of performing the urban’. EACLALS triennial conference: "Performing the Urban: Embodiments, Inventories, Rhythms", University of Oviedo, Spain, .
    • Koegler, Caroline (): ‘Sexual Identity and Diaspora. Bernardine Evaristo's "Mr Loverman"’. Hotspots Lecture Series, English Department Muenster, English Seminar, Muenster, .

    • Kögler, Caroline (): ‘Critical Branding in Postcolonial Studies’. Triennial ACLALS conference, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, .
    • Kögler, Caroline (): ‘Postcolonial Studies and the Market’. GAPS 2016; „The Postcolonial and the Material“, University of Augsburg, Germany, .
    • Kögler, Caroline (): „Orientalismen in der Postmoderne: Conchita Wurst und der Vorwurf kultureller Degeneration“. FES Seminar "Königreiche der Ungleichheit", Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung, Würzburg, Germany, .

    • Kögler, Caroline (): ‘A Critique of Ideological Rejections of Market Practices in Postcolonial Studies’. GAPS; „Ideologies in Postcolonial Texts and Contexts", University of Münster, Germany, .

    • Kögler, Caroline (): ‘Is Our Fascination with Uncommon Wealths Symptomatic of Our Own Frustration with 21st Century Capitalism?’ Triennial EACALS conference; "Uncommon Wealths", University of Innsbruck, Austria, .

    • Kögler, Caroline (): ‘A Note on Interdisciplinary Debate: Postcolonialism and Economics – Commodification, Attitude, and Language Politics’. Platform for Postcolonial Readings at the University of Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, .

    • Kögler, Caroline (): ‘Do You Sometimes Feel Marginalised? – The Commodification of Marginality in Robert Young’s Postcolonialism. A Very Short Introduction’. Conference "Narratives of Difference in the Global Literary Marketplace", University of Northampton, UK, .
    • Kögler, Caroline (): ‘Postcolonialism Meets Business Management’. GAPS; "Post-Empire Imaginaries", University of Bern, Switzerland, .