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Resolution and Reconstruction for a Helical CT-Scanner

Frank Natterer

December 1994

A helical CT-scanner is a fan-beam scanner in which the patient is moved along the axis of the scanner with a constant speed as the x-ray source spins around the patient, allowing for 3D imaging [2]. We give the conditions on the scanning parameters (i.e. detector width, angular speed tex2html_wrap_inline489 , translation speed v) for reliable reconstruction of a function of essential bandwidth tex2html_wrap_inline493 (i.e. spatial resolution tex2html_wrap_inline495 in all directions), and we describe an algorithm which actually achieves this resolution.

Assume that the patient is lying in a cylinder tex2html_wrap_inline497 of radius tex2html_wrap_inline499 around the axes (the tex2html_wrap_inline501 axes) of the scanner, and that the source sits on a concentric circle of radius tex2html_wrap_inline503 . Let f be a function which is supported in tex2html_wrap_inline497 . We define


were tex2html_wrap_inline509 is the first unit vector, and


In helical scanning the function g is sampled at


Here, tex2html_wrap_inline515 is the detector spacing and tex2html_wrap_inline517 the angle between two source positions. The condition that tex2html_wrap_inline519 with an integer p makes the sampling lattice periodic in tex2html_wrap_inline523 . We sketch the sampling points in the tex2html_wrap_inline501 - tex2html_wrap_inline523 -plane:


Thus the sampling points (2) are precisely the lattice


The reciprocal lattice is generated by the matrix


Determining the essential support of the Fourier transform of g and using the Petersen-Middleton sampling theorem would possibly lead to an efficient sampling scheme. In this note we pursue a less ambitious goal. We use the inversion formula for the 2D fan-beam transform ([1], p. 368)


Here, v is defined by


where tex2html_wrap_inline537 is a filter factor vanishing outside [0,1], and the convolution in (4) with the function tex2html_wrap_inline541 defined by


is with respect to the 2D variable tex2html_wrap_inline545 . Convolving (4) in the variable tex2html_wrap_inline501 with the filter


(or any other filter with bandwidth tex2html_wrap_inline493 ) gives a reconstruction formula for helical CT, namely


tex2html_wrap_inline553 deviates from the true f only in details of size tex2html_wrap_inline557 . Applying the Petersen-Middleton sampling theorem to (5) as in [1] one obtains


Arranging the k-sum into complete cycles of length p and putting tex2html_wrap_inline563 we obtain


For each tex2html_wrap_inline501 , tex2html_wrap_inline567 , d, L the k-sum is now a cyclic convolution of length p, making the evaluation amenable to FFT techniques. For each tex2html_wrap_inline501 , only those values of k for which tex2html_wrap_inline581 is close to tex2html_wrap_inline501 contribute significantly. This means that only a few values of L have to be taken into account. Thus the evaluation of (7) for a fixed tex2html_wrap_inline501 takes about the same number of operations as in 2D fan-beam tomography.

From [1] we know that the error in (6) is negligible provided that


the last condition being obvious. In view of (2) this translates into


If these conditions are met, no aliasing occurs in (6).

If one wants a different resolution in the x-direction, characterized by a bandwidth tex2html_wrap_inline591 , one simply has to replace tex2html_wrap_inline493 by tex2html_wrap_inline591 in the last inequalities of (8) and (9).

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Frank Wuebbeling
Fri Jun 28 08:48:15 MET DST 1996