Numerik, AG Prof. Natterer

Frank Natterer: Resolution and Reconstruction for a Helical CT-Scanner

Autor: Frank Natterer

Titel: Resolution and Reconstruction for a Helical CT-Scanner

Erschienen in:

Technical Report 20/96-N, Fachbereich Mathematik der Universität Münster

Erscheinungsjahr: 1996

Seiten: 12


A helical CT-scanner is a fan-beam scanner in which the patient is moved along the axis of the scanner with a constant speed as the x-ray source spins around the patient, allowing for 3D imaging. We give the conditions on the scanning parameters (i.e. detector width, angular speed, translation speed ) for reliable reconstruction of a function of essential bandwidth Omega, and we describe an algorithm which actually achieves this resolution.

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Frank Wübbeling (