Burger, M., Lorz, A., and Wolfram, M. . “Balanced growth path solutions of a Boltzmann mean field game model for knowledge growth.” Kinetic and Related Models, № 10 (1): 117–140. doi: 10.3934/krm.2017005.
Neugebauer, F, Möddel, G, Rampp, S, Burger, M, and Wolters, C. . “The effect of head model simplification on beamformer source localization.” Frontiers in Neuroscience, № 11 (625) doi: 10.3389/fnins.2017.00625.
Berendsen, J., Burger, M., and Pietschmann, J.-F. . “On a cross-diffusion model for multiple species with nonlocal interaction and size exclusion.” Nonlinear Analysis, № 159
Egger, H., Pietschmann, J.-F., and Schlottbom, M. . “On the uniqueness of nonlinear diffusion coefficients in the presence of lower order terms.” Inverse Problems, № 33 doi: 10.1088/1361-6420/aa8cae.
Haidl, M, Steuwer, M, Dirks, H, Humernbrum, T, and Gorlatch, S. . “Towards Composable GPU Programming: Programming GPUs with Eager Actions and Lazy Views.” in Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Programming Models and Applications for Multicores and Manycores, edited by Q Chen and Z Huang. New York, NY: ACM Press. doi: 10.1145/3026937.3026942.
Brinkmann Eva-Maria, BurgerMartin, and Rasch Julian, SutourCamille. . “Bias-Reduction in Variational Regularization.” Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, № Special Issue MIA 2016
Mannweiler, D., Suhr, S., Modersitzki, J., and Burger, M. . “Variational method for motion corrected reconstruction with MRI information in positron emission tomography.” in Vol. null of IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging ConferenceNew York City: Wiley-IEEE Press. doi: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2015.7582045.
Burger, M., Gilboa, G., Moeller, M., Eckardt, L., and Cremers, D. . “Spectral decompositions using one-homogeneous functionals.” SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences, № 9 (3): 1374–1408. doi: 10.1137/15M1054687.
Burger, M., Rossmanith, C., and Zhang, X. . “Simultaneous reconstruction and segmentation for dynamic SPECT imaging.” Inverse Problems, № 32 (10) doi: 10.1088/0266-5611/32/10/104002.
Burger, M., Lorz, A., and Wolfram, M. . “On a Boltzmann mean field model for knowledge growth.” SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, № 76 (5): 1799–1818. doi: 10.1137/15M1018599.
Supervised Postdoctoral Study
Wolters, Carsten
Finite Element Method based Electro- and Magnetoencephalography Source Analysis in the Human Brain (kumulative Habilitationsschrift)
Supervised Doctoral Studies
Foecke, Janic
Image Reconstruction in MRXI
Frerking, Lena
Variational Methods for Direct and Indirect Tracking in Dynamic Imaging
Lucka, Felix
Bayesian Inversion in Biomedical Imaging
Wagner, Sven
Optimizing tCS and TMS multi-sensor setups using realistic head models
Wagner, Sven
Optimizing tCS and TMS multi-sensor setups using realistic head models
Wagner, Sven
Optimizing tCS and TMS multi-sensor setups us-ing realistic head models
Dirks, Hendrik
Variational Methods for Joint Motion Estimation and Image Reconstruction
Suhr, Sebastian
Variational Methods for Combined Image and Motion Estimation
Lucka, Felix
Bayesian Inversion in Biomedical Imaging
Lucka, Felix
Bayesian Inversion in Biomedical Imaging
Heins, Pia
Reconstruction Using Local Sparsity - A Novel Regularization Technique and an Asymptotic Analysis of Local Sparsity Priors
Lanfer, Benjamin
Automatic Generation of Volume Conductor Models of the Human Head for EEG Source Analysis
Jan Hegemann
Efficient Evolution Algorithms for Embedded Interfaces
Müller, Jahn Philipp
Advanced Image Reconstruction and Denoising: Bregmanized (Higher order) Total Variation and Application in PET
Fouego Awounkeng, Marcisse
Optimal Control of Transient Drift-Diffusion and Nonlinear Schrödinger-Poisson Problems
Louise Reips
Parameter Identification in Medical Imaging
Ruthotto, Lars
Hyperelastic Image Registration - Theory, Numerical Mehods, and Applications
Möller, Michael
Multiscale Methods for (Generalized) Sparse Recovery and Applications in High Dimensional Imaging
Franek, Marzena
Variational Methods using Transport Metrics and Applications
Sawatzky, Alex
(Nonlocal) Total Variation in Medical Imaging
Meuth, Patrick
Thalamic neurons in silico
Benning, Martin
Singular Regularization of Inverse Problems: Bergman Distances and their Applications to Variational Frameworks with Singular Regularization Energies
Schlake, Bärbel
Mathematical Models for Particle Transport: Crowded Motion
Brune, Christoph
4D Imaging in Tomography and Optical Nanoscopy
Kattrin Arning
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Ion Channels
Marie-Therese Wolfram
Forward and Inverse Solvers for Electrodiffusion Systems
Hackl, Benjamin
Shape Variations, Level Set and Phase-field Methods for Perimeter Regularized Geometric Inverse Problems