Nils Leder
Mathematisches Institut
Universität Münster
Einsteinstraße 62
48149 Münster
Office: 304
Phone: +49 (251) 83 33739
Fax: +49 (251) 83 33786
Email: n_lede02 [at] uni-muenster.de
Research interests
geometric group theory, group homology, homological stability for Coxeter groups, graph products of groups and their automorphisms, in particular automorphisms of free products
Publications and preprints
- Nils Leder and Olga Varghese: On property (T) for automorphism groups of graph products.
- Nils Leder and Olga Varghese: A note on locally elliptic actions on cube complexes.
- Nils Leder: Serre's Property FA for automorphism groups of free products. This is a modified version of the article.
- SS 18 Übungen zur Vorlesung Zahlen und Zahlentheorie , WWU Münster with Cora Welsch.
- WS 17/18 Übungen zur Vorlesung Lokalkompakte Gruppen , WWU Münster.
- SS 17 Übungen zur Vorlesung Gebäude , WWU Münster with Dr. Olga Varghese.
- SS 16 Übungen zur Vorlesung Geometrische Gruppentheorie 2 , WWU Münster.
- WS 15/16 Übungen zur Vorlesung Geometrische Gruppentheorie , WWU Münster.
Academic CV
- WS 2009/10 bis SS 2012: Bachelor studies Mathematis (with second subject political science) at the WWU Münster
- WS 2012/13 bis WS 2014/15: Master studies Mathematis (with second subject political science) at the WWU Münster
- WS 2013/14: Erasmus stay at the University Paris 13
- seit 2015: PhD studies at the WWU Münster, Advisor: Prof. Dr. L. Kramer
- Februar/März 2016: Guest at the ETH Zürich with Prof. Dr. A. Iozzi
- BKMR-Seminar Groups, Buildings and Compactifications, Münster, 9.-11.08.2017 (with Julia Heller, Annette Karrer and Robin Loose)
- 28.01.2019, Property FA for Automorphism Groups of small Graph Products, BiMs GGT-Seminar, Bielefeld
- 06.10.2018, Property FA for automorphisms of free products, Buildings conference, Münster
- 02.02.2018, Property FA for Automorphism Groups of Graph Products, BiMs GGT-Seminar, Bielefeld
- 09.01.2018, Charakteristische Untergruppen von Graphprodukten, Tee-Seminar der AG Kramer, Münster
- 05.10.2017, Automorphisms of Free Products and Property FA, Buildings conference, Münster
- 11.08.2017, Compactifications of Outer Space, BKMR-Seminar Groups, Buildings and Compactifications, Münster
- 13.06.2017, The Normal Form for Graph Products of Groups, Tee-Seminar der AG Kramer, Münster
- 22.02.2017, Automorphisms of Free Products and Property (FA), BiMs GGT-Seminar, Bielefeld
- 19.07.2016, Automorphismen freier Produkte, Tee-Seminar der AG Kramer, Münster
- 08.02.2016, Quasimorphisms and Bounded Cohomology, BiMs GGT-Seminar, Bielefeld
- 03.11.2015, Chapter 2 and 3.1 of the article Finsler bordifications of symmetric and certain locally symmetric spaces by M. Kapovich, B. Leeb, Tee-Seminar der AG Kramer, Münster
- 12.06.2015, The Stability Pair Spectral Sequence, BiMs GGT-Seminar, Münster
- 28.04.2015, Homological stability of Coxeter groups, Tee-Seminar der AG Kramer, Münster