Arbeitsgruppe Geometrie, Topologie und Gruppentheorie

Mathematisches Institut, Universität Münster

© AG Kramer

Deutsch English
Registration "seminar on geometric group theory"

SFB 878 Groups, Geometry and Actions

Seminar on geometric group theory - 24.-27. Sept. 2012

If you would like to participate ion the seminar on geometric group theory taking place in Münster September 24.-27. 2012 please register using the following form.

In order to be able to distribute the talks among the participants early enough to allow for a good amount of preparation time please register as early as possible and no later that July 27th. 2012 (in case you would like to give a talk). Participants who do not want to give a talk should register before August 20th. 2012.


Registration form

I would like to take part in the seminar on geometric group theory.

Last name
First name
University address
Private address
date of birth
(if financial support is requested)

I will have private accommodation.
I will find lodging on my own.

I would like to give a talk.
preferably the following (see schedule):

Please help me finding lodging

Day of arrival
Day of departure

single room
double room, shared with
We do have some funding to cover travel and living costs of participants (in particular students and young researchers).

I apply for reimbursement of my

living costs
travel costs
travel & living costs

I have a european bank account to which my honorarium shall be transferred.
I do not have a european bank account or do prefer cash paying.

I would need a babysitter for my child/children:

number of children
age of children
Period of child care (days, time period)

comments, questions, remarks?
Put them in the field below or send an email to petra.schwer - at -

Zuletzt geändert: 28.06.12, 16:04:24