An evolutionary scenario: a primeval fish has turned onto its side in order to hide on the seabed. Its mouth and fins have compensated for the movement in a clockwise direction from the fish’s view, with the eyes and the nostrils going in the opposite direction.<address>© Almut Krömer</address>
© Almut Krömer

“A large brain can’t be equated with high intelligence”

One of the things that Dr. Marc de Lussanet de la Sablonière researches into in the field of kinesiology is the evolution of the brain and of the body. In this interview he talks about the advantages and disadvantages of wrinkled and smooth brains, as well as why the human body is structured both symmetrically and asymmetrically, and why such knowledge interests kinesiologists.

Boost for excellent research: from 1 October, the German Research Foundation will be funding two research alliances at the University of Münster.<address>© Uni MS - Robert Matzke</address>
© Uni MS - Robert Matzke

German Research Foundation to fund two research alliances

The University of Münster is delighted at approvals given for two large-scale projects. Firstly, the German Research Foundation is setting up a new Collaborative Research Centre (CRC)/Transregio in Medicine. And secondly, the CRC at Münster entitled “Geometry: Deformations and Rigidity” is being extended.

Chemists from the University of Münster and the Max Planck Institute (MPI) of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam have now developed a combined vaccine lead from synthetic fluorinated sugar molecules that is effective against meningococci B and C simultaneously.<address>© AK Gilmour</address>
© AK Gilmour

Fluorinated sugar molecules as vaccine leads against meningitis B and C

A team from the University of Münster and the Max Planck Institute (MPI) of Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam has now developed a combined vaccine lead from synthetic fluorinated sugar molecules that is effective against meningococci B and C simultaneously.


David MacMillan will receive an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy for his pioneering work in organic photoredox catalysis.<address>© Corinne Strauss</address>
© Corinne Strauss

Nobel Prize laureate David MacMillan receives honorary doctorate

David MacMillan is one of the most successful researchers of our time in the field of catalysis and molecular chemistry. He is also a pioneer of photocatalysis with visible light. For his outstanding research in this field, he will receive an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy on 11 June.

60 years of partnership must be celebrated. The best way to do this is with a cream cake labelled with the logos of both universities. Prof Dr Vinod Subramaniam (2nd from right) cuts off a slice for Prof Dr Johannes Wessels.<address>© University of Twente</address>
© University of Twente

Münster and Twente celebrate 60 years of strategic partnership

There are reasons to celebrate these days – on both sides of the German-Dutch border. On 21 May 1964, representatives of the University of Münster and the Twente University of Applied Sciences met for the first time and formed a partnership that continues to this day. Rector Prof. Dr. Johannes Wessels met his Dutch colleagues to celebrate this friendship.

With their newly developed method, chemists can precisely incorporate a difluoromethyl group (highlighted in light blue) regioselectively, i.e. at certain positions, into pyridine rings – either in the para-position (yellow arrow) or the meta-position (blue arrow). The nitrogen atom within the pyridine ring is shown in dark blue.<address>© Uni MS - AG Studer</address>
© Uni MS - AG Studer

New method for introducing fluorinated components into molecules

A team of researchers led by Prof Dr Armido Studer from the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the University of Münster presents a new strategy, with which the so-called difluoromethyl group can be precisely introduced at specific sites in pyridine derivatives. This method could potentially identify candidates for new drugs and agrochemicals.

Using an evolutionary algorithm based on evolutionary processes (shown figuratively in the middle), the most important structural features of the molecules are identified in a data set (left) and summarised in a digital “molecular fingerprint” (right). On this basis, predictive models can be trained and used, for example, in the search for new drugs (bottom right).<address>© Felix Katzenburg, Glorius Group</address>
© Felix Katzenburg, Glorius Group

Evolutionary algorithm generates tailored “molecular fingerprints”

A team led by chemist Prof Frank Glorius has developed an algorithm that identifies molecular structures that are particularly relevant to a given problem. It uses these structures to encode the properties of molecules for various machine-learning models.

Abstract connection between genetics and technology: nature can serve as a model in developing algorithms.<address>© Alex -</address>
© Alex -

Christian Grimme explains the principle of evolutionary algorithms

In many ways, nature serves as a model for processes and functions which we use in our everyday lives. Prof. Christian Grimme from the Department of Information Systems at the University of Münster has been working for many years now on, and with, so-called evolutionary algorithms which – as the name suggests – are oriented towards the underlying thoughts contained in the theory of biological evolution. Kathrin Kottke spoke to him about the function of this informatics-based approach.

Young scientists accompany experienced researchers to the University of Münster.<address>© University of Münster - Peter Leßmann</address>
© University of Münster - Peter Leßmann

Building up long-term networks

As far as scientific activities are concerned, Münster is one of the most active foreign universities in Brazil. Two Brazilian researchers who are currently guests at the University of Münster symbolise the close networks: Prof. Elaine Maria Souza Fagundes and Prof. José Carlos Vaz are the incumbents of the ‘Brazil Chair’.

They are the first YAM fellows at the Mathematics Münster Cluster of Excellence: Junior Parfait Ngalamo, Marjory Mwanza and Abakar Assouna Mahamat (from left).<address>© Uni MS - Victoria Liesche</address>
© Uni MS - Victoria Liesche

Surrounded by top-level reseachers

The "Young African Mathematicians Fellowship Program" (YAM program) enables talented and highly motivated master's graduates from Africa to further their academic development in a stimulating, international environment and lay down a solid foundation for their own careers. Since October, for the first time, three YAM fellows have been guests at the Mathematics Münster Cluster of Excellence.

Since 2003 DNA Day has paid tribute to the decoding of the double helix structure of the genetic material of all living beings.<address>© -</address>
© -

Chemist sheds light on his latest research on the occasion of DNA Day

During his doctoral studies, chemist Dr Nils Flothkötter looked into the question of whether DNA could be used as a component in miniaturised electronic devices in the future. On the occasion of DNA Day on 25 April, he offers insight into his research.

Linearly polarised light passes through an atomically thin semiconductor in a magnetic field. The polarisation is rotated and slightly elliptical (schematic diagram).<address>© Nature Communications (Nat Commun) ISSN 2041-1723 (online); Creative Commons licence</address>
© Nature Communications (Nat Commun) ISSN 2041-1723 (online); Creative Commons licence

Study shows: 2D materials rotate light polarisation

In a recent study, physicists led by Prof Rudolf Bratschitsch from the University of Münster and Prof Ashish Arora from IISER in Pune, India, have demonstrated that ultra-thin two-dimensional materials such as tungsten diselenide could become the heart of optical isolators.

Prof Dr Karin Busch (left) and ATP content in mitochondria<address>© Uni MS - AG Busch</address>
© Uni MS - AG Busch

“Research Grant” for cell biologist Karin Busch

With an international team of researchers, cell biologist Prof. Karin Busch from the University of Münster aims to understand the significance of ion distribution in mitochondria for the formation of long-term memory.

Prof. Armido Studer heads a working group Institute of Organic Chemistry.<address>© Uni MS - AK Studer</address>
© Uni MS - AK Studer

European Research Council awards Armido Studer an Advanced Grant

The European Research Council has awarded an ERC Advanced Grant worth 2.5 million euros to Prof. Armido Studer. The grant will enable Studer to realise a project in the field of so-called radical water activation in the coming five years.

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