Brazil is one of the focus countries of the internationalisation strategy of the University of Münster. The numerous longstanding successful collaborations and joint activities with Brazilian institutions/universities gain a new dimension through the project wwu.usp. Thus, the Universities of Münster (WWU) and São Paulo (USP) direct their efforts to establish an innovative and sustainable Strategic Partnership by intensifying and expanding the already existent alliance. The first project period lasted from 2015 to 2018, and is followed by a project extension of two years, until the end of 2021. The actual focus lies on topics related to Cities and Climate. It is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
USP is the major institution of higher education and research in Brazil. It has an outstanding international profile and figures among the world‘s best universities in many rankings in terms of teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. The USP International Cooperation Office (AUCANI) is the organ responsible for facilitating and supporting these partnerships within the general scope of the university. In the Nature Index 2019 Global WWU reaches a distinguished 3rd position among German universities. The index is published by the world’s leading journal Nature and takes into account scientific publications in 82 important magazines. Internationalisation at Münster makes an essential contribution to the university’s image and its competitiveness in the core areas of academic teaching and research. For the university’s management it is a key element on the way to becoming a university of excellence. The project is managed by the Brazil Centre of the WWU.
Brazil is one of the focus countries of the internationalisation strategy of the University of Münster. The numerous longstanding successful collaborations and joint activities with Brazilian institutions/universities gain a new dimension through the project wwu.usp. Thus, the Universities of Münster (WWU) and São Paulo (USP) direct their efforts to establish an innovative and sustainable Strategic Partnership by intensifying and expanding the already existent alliance. The first project period lasted from 2015 to 2018, and is followed by a project extension of two years, until the end of 2021. It is supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research for a total period of seven years (2015-2021).
USP is the major institution of higher education and research in Brazil. It has an outstanding international profile and figures among the world‘s best universities in many rankings in terms of teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. The USP International Cooperation Office (AUCANI) is the organ responsible for facilitating and supporting these partnerships within the general scope of the university. In the Nature Index 2019 Global WWU reaches a distinguished 3rd position among German universities. The index is published by the world’s leading journal Nature and takes into account scientific publications in 82 important magazines. Internationalisation at Münster makes an essential contribution to the university’s image and its competitiveness in the core areas of academic teaching and research. For the university’s management it is a key element on the way to becoming a university of excellence. The project is managed by the Brazil Centre of the WWU.
Flyer WWU.USP (first Phase)
A key result of the first phase of the strategic partnership project wwu.usp was the inclusion of USP in the international research network ERCIS (European Research Center on Information Systems). As part of the annual meeting of all ERCIS partners at the University of Loughborough in England, this inclusion was formally signed on September 17, 2019. We are very happy to have reached this milestone and look forward to working closely together in the future. Further information on ERCIS can be found under the following link: https://www.ercis.org/
(Image: Prof. Dr. Jörg Becker ERCIS Director (WWU), Prof. Dr. Marcelo Fantinato (USP), Prof. Dr. Bernd Hellingrath Head of Brazil Center (WWU))
In the frame of the project wwu.usp the University of Münster and the University of São Paulo agreed to mutually maintain overseas representatives. The corresponding facilities will be attached to the AUCANI at USP and to the Brazil Centre at the WWU. The contract for the implementation of the overseas representatives was signed on 10 October 2018 by the Rector of USP Prof. Dr. Vahan Agopyan and the Vice-Rector of WWU Prof. Michael Quante during a reception at the Rectory of USP in São Paulo preceding the Closing Ceremony of the first project financing phase.
Past events
2019, November, Münster - Workshop 'Cities and Climate' (Prof. Dr. Sabine Schlacke)
2017, September, São Paulo - Law: Summer School (Prof. José Maria Arruda de Andrade)
2016, September, São Paulo - Information on doctorate at the University of Münster for Brazilians
2015, September, São Paulo - Leadership Training