Scholarship foundations and organisations promoting young talent

Thirteen major scholarship organisations have established a joint programme called "Stipendium plus". In addition to denomination-based foundations, these include political, union-affiliated, economic and independent foundations, all of which receive funding from the German federal government. The Stiftung Begabtenförderung offers special Professional Advancement scholarships [de] which are awarded to students who have demonstrated their professional skills in a previous career training programme.
Although good grades are an essential component of the selection process, the scholarship providers also consider the applicants' personal circumstances and their (community-service) commitment.
For more information and advice on specific scholarship foundations, application requirements and the prospects of receiving a scholarship, visit the Student Advice and Counselling Centre [de]

ProTalent - WWU Scholarship programme

With financing provided by external sponsors (e.g. companies, private persons) and the federally funded "Deutschlandstipendium" programme, the University of Münster awards high-achieving students ProTalent scholarships every year. The monthly allowance of 300 euros helps offset the cost of study and is gratefully received by more and more deserving students each year.

Contact for students:
Sabrina Dirksen
Tel: +49 251 83-22465 [de]

Special foundations and scholarships for students with disabilities

Several foundations award scholarships to students who possess certain disabilities or forms of impairment. Below, you will find a list of links to these foundations and corresponding contact data, along with information about their beneficiaries and the particular disability to which the scholarships apply. Please note that the list only represents a selection and is not complete.

Stiftung Darmerkrankungen

c/o Kanzlei Behr & Overbeck
Lange Reihe 29
20099 Hamburg
Tel: +49 4351 909 80 99 [de]
Beneficiaries: young people with Morbus Crohn and colitis ulcerosa


c/o Stiftung Michael
Alsstraße 12
53227 Bonn [de]
Beneficiaries: people who suffer from epilepsy

Google Europe Scholarship for Students with Disabilities
Beneficiaries: students in their final year of a bachelor's, master's or PhD programme at European universities. Funded subjects: computer science, IT-related subjects

Graeme Clark Scholarship

Graeme Clark Scholarship
Cochlear Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG
Karl-Wiechert-Allee 76 A
30625 Hannover
Tel: +49 511 542 770 [de]
Beneficiaries: beginning and continuing students with cochlear implants

Aktion Luftsprung Scholarship - luftsprung campus [de]
Beneficiaries: students with chronic illnesses, especially cystic fibrosis, inflammatory bowel disorders, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis

Nathalie Todenhöfer-Stiftung

Pienzenauerstraße 27
D-81679 München
Tel: +49 89 55 26 72 94 [de]
Beneficiaries: students with multiple sclerosis

Elfride Breitsameter Stiftung

Heidestraße 1b
85386 Eching
Tel: +49 89 3271370 [de]
Beneficiaries: students with poliomyelitis or multiple sclerosis

German AIDS Foundation

Münsterstraße 18
53111 Bonn
Tel: +49 228 60 46 9-0 [de]
Beneficiaries: people suffering from AIDS