University Sports

Based on the motto "Sports for everyone and with everyone", the University Sports programme offers some 140 different types of sports and athletic activities. The goal is to allow students to personally experience and benefit from the relationship-building aspects of sport. The coordinators strive to create the right conditions so that students with disabilities can also actively participate in the University Sports programme. In some areas and for certain types of sports, the programme offers a special registration period (prior to the official registration period) for students with disabilities. In order to facilitate smooth planning and participation for all, it is absolutely essential that students with disabilities inform the University Sports team in advance of their wishes.
The colleagues in the University Sports department are always open to suggestions and ideas for developing courses specifically targeted at students with disabilities provided there is sufficient demand.

University Sports at the University of Münster
Sarah Bertels
Leonardo-Campus 11
Rm. 128
48149 Münster
Tel: +49 251 83-34877

Further sport offers

Wheelchair basketball
In addition to the University Sports courses, wheelchair users can join basketball games offered by the University Basketball Club of Münster. Wheelchair basketball is open to everyone – also beginners and non-wheelchair users (wheelchairs are provided for the non-handicapped).

UBC Münster e.V., Wheelchair Basketball Dept.
Patrick Verfürth
Am Waterbrei 28
48161 Münster
Tel: +49 2533 589317 [de]

Wheelchair dance
Wheelchair dance formation offered by the dance sport club Die Residenz Münster e.V.

Die Residenz Münster e.V.
– Tanzsportzentrum –
Hansestraße 74,
48165 Münster-Hiltrup
Tel: +49 2501 924626