Internal Funding Opportunities

  • Exchange of doctoral students between different projects
  • Networking of research activities in the international science system
  • Start-up funding module
  • Gender equality measures

More information on the funding opportunities and how to apply can be found below.

There are 3 deadlines per year for applications: 

  1. March 1st
  2. July 1st
  3. November 1st

Note that, in 2019, the very first deadline is postponed to December 16th.


  • Exchange of doctoral students between different projects

    As many as possible of the junior researchers financed by the SPP should have the opportunity to work for 2-6 weeks at a complementary group (not directly related to their projects), e.g., experimentalists to theoreticians and vice versa, chemists to hydrodynamicists etc. In this way all involved junior researchers are exposed to different specific themes, widen their horizon and deepen the mutual understanding of their scientific questions, approaches and solutions. The need to in depth explain their own project and approach to researchers working on other projects will help them to place their work into the wider picture. Such stays also present very good opportunities for guest and host to share and test the tutorials created within their respective projects.

    How to apply:

    To obtain the funds for such a visit, the sending group submits a 2-3 page application to the SPP Manager. The application details the planned work programme for and the envisioned benefits of the envisioned stay. It is accompanied by an informal confirmation letter of the hosting group. There will be 3 deadlines per year for such applications (see above). They are discussed and ranked by the Coordination Board that takes a final decision about their funding. The funds are administrated by the SPP Manager.

    Please send your application in a single pdf file to the SPP Manager.


  • Networking of research activities in the international science system

    Funding for visiting researchers shall allow members of the SPP to invite internationally leading researchers to interact for up to 8 weeks with several groups that work on different SPP projects. The funds are requested and administrated within the Coordination Funds in order to ensure that researchers are invited who are relevant to several SPP projects. The visiting researchers should, beyond the duration of their stay, remain in scientific contact with the researchers involved in the visited SPP projects. The emerging or strengthened links shall intensify the international embedding of the SPP, increase its visibility and initiate satellite projects.

    How to apply:

    To obtain the funds for such a visit, the lead inviting group submits a 2-3 page application to the SPP Manager. The application details the planned work programme for the stay, the envisioned benefits of the stay for the SPP and an estimate of the expected cost. It shall be accompanied by informal confirmation letters of the other involved group(s) and the international researcher to be invited. There will be 3 deadlines per year for such applications (see above). They are discussed and ranked by the Coordination Board that takes a final decision about their funding. The funds are administrated by the SPP Manager. Ideally, the visiting researcher holds a local short instructional course open to all SPP members and corresponding teaching material is incorporated into our portal to ressources.

    Please send your application in a single pdf file to the SPP Manager.


  • Start-up funding module

    For junior researchers it is very important to gain scientific independence at an early stage. Therefore, in this module, we would like to enable junior researchers to work independently. We plan to support, on the one hand, extended 1-2 month visits of junior researchers working outside Germany that want to explore possibilities for collaboration with and/or later work opportunities in a SPP group. On the other hand, we want to allow junior researchers from within the SPP to organise and realise such stays at groups abroad.

    Ideally, these visits shall explore the possibility of a future return for a postdoc or junior group leader position to the host group. Therefore, during the visit guest and host should together develop an idea for a proposal for a personal grant (e.g., incoming/outgoing DFG/DAAD postdoc grant, Marie Curie Fellowships) or a grant allowing for the establishment of a junior research group (e.g., ERC Starting, Volkswagen’s Freigeist Fellowship or DFG’s Emmy Noether Programme). The visit shall allow the guest and host to kick-off the development of the project and initiate the writing of the grant proposal. The proposal shall then be finalised over the following month to be submitted latest half a year after the visit. In consequence, the visit should take place at least 18 months before the foreseen start of the postdoc/group project. For doctoral candidates of the SPP, this implies that such a visit abroad should take place in their second year.

    Doctoral candidates within the SPP with excellent advances in their first year should be made aware of this funding instrument at an early stage.

    How to apply:

    To obtain the funds for such an initial visit, the junior researcher submits a 2-3 page application to the SPP Manager. The application details the planned work programme for and the costs of the stay, and some details of the envisioned grant application. It shall be accompanied by an informal confirmation letter of the host group. There will be 3 deadlines per year for such applications (see above). They are then discussed and ranked by the Coordination Board that takes a final decision about their funding. The funds are administrated by the SPP Manager.

    Please send your application in a single pdf file to the SPP Manager.

  • Gender equality measures

    The promotion of female researchers and the compatibility of family and research within the SPP is of particular interest to the programme committee. To this end, researchers with family responsibilities can apply for various measures, e.g., like:

    • To facilitate the participation at conferences, schools and colloquia for parents, we offer childcare during SPP events.
    • The long-term exchange with partner groups within the SPP should also be made possible for parents. In order to be able to compensate for the additional costs incurred in local childcare, for example for babysitters in the absence of a parent,  this fund can be applied for. These funds shall also be used to cover additional costs for family-friendly accommodation at the host location that exceed the daily rates of the Federal Travel Expenses Ordinance. In addition, family trips home could be covered by these funds.
    • In the case of special dependencies (e.g., breast-feeding) or need for short-term care, additional costs can be taken over by the SPP after consultation with the equal opportunities commissioner.

    The above-mentioned funds are also available in connections with care obligations to close family members.

    Feel free to contact the SPP Manager in case of any questions concerning the gender equality measure. For these funds, no deadlines apply.