"Religion and Politics" – Cluster of Excellence at the UNiversity of Münster

The Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics. Dynamics of Tradition and Innovation” has been investigating since 2007 the complex relationship between religion and politics across eras and cultures. In the funding phase from 2019 to 2025, the 140 researchers from 20 disciplines in the humanities and social sciences analyze in transepochal studies ranging from antiquity to the present day the factors that make religion the motor of political and social change. The research network is the largest of its kind in Germany; and, of the Clusters of Excellence, one of the oldest and the only one to deal with the issue of religion. full story

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© Uni MS - Johannes Wulf

‘Asking the Pope for Help’: Researchers present initial findings in Rome on Jewish petitions

Church historian Hubert Wolf and his team have presented their initial findings of the researchproject ‘Asking the Pope for Help’ in Rome, among other things, at the German ambassador to the Holy See. During the Shoah, around 10,000 Jews wrote letters to the Catholic Church asking for information about their relatives, for money or help in escaping. The Cluster of Excellence ‘Religion and Politics’ is involved in the large-scale project, where it is carrying out research on Romania and Brazil. read more

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