

ZIN-Brown Bag Lectures, Summer term 2024: „Digging for Diversity”

5 lectures with inputs from various disciplinary perspectives

During the summer term 2024, the Center for Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research organises its annual public interdisciplinary lecture series. This year, it is dedicated to the overarching theme "Digging for Diversity", asking various scientific disciplines for their perspective on the role of diversity within socio-ecological transformations. The lecture series, formerly known as "ZIN-Brotzeitkolloquium", will be held in English this year as the "ZIN Brown Bag Lectures". As an "open class", it will also be possible for students from partner universities of the Ulysseus European University Alliance to attend virtually. | Continue

ZIN-scholars offer a wide range of sustainability-related courses in the summer term 2024

In the summer term 2024, ZIN members and staff will once again be offering a variety of exciting sustainability-related courses in various disciplines. These include, for example, the excursion "Von Tieren lernen; Münster anders erfahren", seminars on topics such as "Energiekommunikation" or "Soziologien der Nachhaltigkeit" and also lectures, for example on "Umweltmikrobiologie" or "Klimarecht".  | Read more

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Lecture by ZIN spokesperson Tillmann Buttschardt at the "Farbe der Forschung" conference

Registration for the conference is still open

The "Farbe der Forschung 2024" conference will take place in Berlin from 15-16 March 2024. ZIN spokesperson and landscape ecologist Prof Tillmann Buttschardt will give a lecture on the topic of "Diversity - Synergy - Resilience: What are the advantages of new approaches such as syntropic agriculture and agroforestry systems?". | Read more

© Nomos

New Book: Sufficiency – an Emerging Discourse? At the Crossroads of Mainstreaming and Transformation

The concept sufficiency is becoming increasingly important in societal discourse — for political actors, researchers and civil society actors alike. However, Dr. Pia Mamut shows that sufficiency has become mainstream in a way that weakens its transformative potential in her new book "Sufficiency - an Emerging Discourse? At the Crossroads of Mainstreaming and Transformation". Starting from this diagnosis she develops proposals to unleash its untapped transformative potential. I Read more 

ZIN is looking for student assistants

The Centre of Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research (ZIN) is looking for two student assistants as soon as possible. Students of all subjects at the University of Münster can apply for both positions.


Open access journal "Sociology and Sustainability" shares new CfP

The open access journal “Sociology and Sustainability - Contributions to Socio-Ecological Transformation Research” (SuN) has published a new call for papers: Interested authors are cordially invited to send an abstract on the main topic "Time of Transformation, Time of Silence?" to the journal by February 15 2024.

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Karen Siegel's research project was shortlisted for the Routledge Area Studies Awards

Every year, the publisher Routledge presents the "Routledge Area Studies Awards" in the categories "Impact" and "Interdisciplinarity". This year, the research project "Transformation and Sustainability Governance in South American Bioeconomies", which political scientist and ZIN member Dr Karen Siegel is conducting with other researchers, has also made it onto the shortlist in the "Impact" category.

© Wbg Academic

Invitation: Book launch for Anne Käfer's "Gottes Werk und Fleisches Lust"

January 31st 2024 - 6:15 pm - JO 101, Johannisstr. 4

On January 31st 2024, the Centre for Religion and Modernity, the Seminary for Reformed Theology and the ZIN invite you to a book launch on the occasion of the publication of the book "Gottes Werk und Fleisches Lust" by theologist and ZIN member Prof Anne Käfer. The event will take place from 18:15 in JO 101 (Johannisstr. 4, 48143 Münster).

© Uni Münster| IT University of Copenhagen

Invitation: "1st Conference on Sustainability and Data - Connecting Perspectives Between Practicioners and Researchers"

Virtual conference on September 12th - Registration possible till August 31st

On September 12, starting at 9:30 a.m., the "1st Conference on Sustainability and Data", co-organized by ZIN member Dr. Lea Püchel, will take place online. The 1st Conference on Sustainability and Data brings together sustainability and IT researchers, managers, and policymakers to share their experiences and challenges in working with sustainability data.  | Continue

© Privat

Deutschlandfunk feature on climate-friendly lifestyles with Prof. Doris Fuchs

On June 21, parts of the broadcast "Umwelt und Verbraucher" (in English: Environment and Consumers) of the German radio program Deutschlandfunk were dedicated to the topic of climate-friendly lifestyles. In this context, ZIN spokesperson Professor Doris Fuchs presented findings from the EU project 1.5° Lifestyles. The international research project is investigating what climate-compatible lifestyles could look like and how they could be implemented. | Read more

© Privat

Radio Q feature on E-Fuels with ZIN member Prof. Tillmann Buttschardt

At the end of March, the EU decided that from 2035 onwards, only cars powered by electricity or e-fuels may be newly registered. There will be no more new registrations of cars with combustion engines. Against this background, a feature broadcasted on June 20 by Radio Q (a radio station run by students of the University of Muenster) takes a critical look at the topic of e-fuels. ZIN-member Prof. Tillmann Buttschardt participates as an expert. | Read more

© Rossmoeller

Lecture by Anica Roßmöller at the International Relations Section Conference of the DVPW

The ZIN junior scholar presents her research on the local implementation of the SDGs in India at the Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen

ZIN Junior Scholar Anica Roßmöller gave a lecture on "The local implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: empirical insights from the Indian state of Tamil Nadu" at the IR section meeting of the German Political Science Association (Deutschen Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft, DVPW) on June 16. | Read More

© FH Münster/ Frederik Tebbe

Together towards sustainable universities

Joint project of FH Münster (University of Applied Sciences), WWU Münster and katho NRW explores the potential of living labs

One of today's challenges is the shift toward sustainability - also for universities. Münster's three major universities are therefore joining forces as part of the research project "Sustainable University Landscape Münster" and establishing the SUNRISE LAB, a superordinate "living lab" to research five other living labs in the project. At the ZIN, Dr. Rebecca Froese and Prof. Doris Fuchs will organize the living lab on biodiversity. | Read more


Project on transformation in the Münsterland region receives University of Münster’s Citizen Science Award

Dr. Cornelia Steinhäuser and Prof. Matthias Grundmann accompany the socio-ecological transformation process of the artists' village Schöppingen

At the beginning of May, the University of Münster Foundation and the university’s Innovation Office (Arbeitsstelle Forschungstransfer, AFO) awarded the foundation’s Citizen Science Prize. One of the two winning projects is a project (“Transformationen im Münsterland”) led by ZIN members Prof. Matthias Grundmann (Institute of Sociology) and Dr. Cornelia Steinhäuser (Institute of Landscape Ecology) together with Julia Haarmann (Foundation Artists' Village Schöppingen). | Read More


Invitation to the "Kreislauf-Dinner"!

Public event focusing on "circular economy" on June 17 starting from 5 p.m., VHS Münster.

On Saturday, June 17 from 5 to 9.30 p.m., the " Kreislauf-Dinner”, an event jointly organized by StadtLabor, ZIN, vhs and fairteilbar, " will take place at the VHS Münster. The experimental event format aims at bringing scientists, practitioners and interested citizens into an exchange about different aspects of the circular economy in four discussion rounds.  | Read More

© Swen Wied/Claussen-Simon-Stiftung

ZIN member Rebecca Froese has been awarded the participatory prize "Together for the Future" of the Claussen-Simon Stiftung

The Claussen-Simon Stiftung’s Participatory Award recognizes and supports scholarship holders and alumni:ae who engage in interdisciplinary collaboration on questions and challenges that society faces. With their project "Passierschein A39", the pianist and performer Daniel Bucurescu and the scientist Rebecca Froese create a publicly accessible participatory dialogue format building on artistic self-awareness to bring people of different generations and origins together and to develop and artistically articulate their visions and ideas of sustainable futures. 

Statements by ZIN spokeswoman Doris Fuchs on the e-fuels debate in different TV-formats

On March 23, the German TV-show MDR Investigativ broadcasted a reportage on e-fuels and their possible contribution to climate neutrality. In the reportage, ZIN spokeswoman Doris Fuchs commented on the German Liberal Party's (FDP) reasons for blocking a complete phase-out of internal combustion engines at the EU level.  She commented on the same topic in the news program “Tagesschau” on March 21. 


The ZIN’s open lecture series 2023 starts in April and focusses on "Conflicts about Sustainability

The series includes five lectures, each one on a Thursday at 12:15 p.m.

Students and interested citizens are cordially invited to attend the ZIN’s open lecture series “Brotzeitkolloquium” in the summer term of 2023. This semester, the speakers will address various "Conflicts about Sustainability" by talking about insect extinction, digitalization and species protection – just to name a few examples. | Read More

© Privat

Climate Change Centre Austria awards Young Scientist Award to ZIN- junior scholar Halliki Kreinin

The Climate Change Centre Austria (CCCA) has announced the winner of this year's prestigious Young Researcher Award. The award goes to Dr. Halliki Kreinin, who completed her PhD last year at the Institute of Ecological Economics at the University of Economics in Vienna on the topic of sustainable work and production in relation to the 1.5 C target. She will officially receive the award on April 13 during the CCCA Austria Climate Day in Austria. | Read more

© Rossmoeller

How are the SDGs implemented at the local level?

Anica Roßmöller presents results of a research stay in India at the international conference ISA

ZIN Junior Scholar Anica Roßmöller talked about "The local implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals: empirical insights from the Indian state of Tamil Nadu" at the annual conference of the International Studies Association (ISA) on March 15.  | Read more

Start of the research project INCITE-DEM - "Inclusive citizenship in a world in transformation"

Prof. Doris Fuchs is leading a sub-project together with other scholars from Münster University

On March 6 and 7, Prof. Doris Fuchs takes part in the kick-off event of the research project INCITE-DEM in Lisbon. The project, in which the ZIN spokesperson is leading a sub-project together with Prof. Oliver Treib and Prof. Bernd Schlipphak, is supported by the Horizon Programme of the EU and will run in the period March 2023 - February 2026. | Continue


Results from the BIOCIVIS project presented to an international audience

Victoria Hasenkamp and Wiebke Walleck talk about “Participation in the bioeconomy: How to involve citizens in the discussion on complex technological issues?"

On February 22 and 23, the international conference "Bioeconomy Policies, Actors, and Transformations: Achievements, Challenges, and Recommendations" took place in Berlin. ZIN junior scholars Victoria Hasenkamp and Wiebke Walleck presented results from the research project BIOCIVIS to an international audience in their lecture "Participation in the bioeconomy: How to involve citizens in the discussion on complex technological issues?".| Read more

Steffen Lange invited as a guest on the podcast "CREDS in conversation"

On January 15, ZIN member Steffen Lange was guest on the Center for Research into Energy Demand Solutions’ (CREDS) podcast "CREDS in Conversation." Together with Professor Tim Foxon, Professor Tim Schwanen and host Dr. Sarah Higginson he talked about the study "Digital reset: Directing Technologies for the Deep Sustainability Transformation", co-authored by him. | Read more

© Pixabay

Invitation: Panel discussion on climate activism

Wednesday, Feb. 22, 7:30 p.m., Akademie Franz Hitze-Haus (Münster, Germany)

In times of multiple crises, socio-technical innovations for sustainability and a growing awareness for "green" issues, there are many developments and changes with regard to environmental and climate policy. In this situation, various actors are advocating for more ambitious climate policies in a different ways. In an  open panel discussion we would like to discuss about these developments with older and newer climate policy actors. Activists from Greenpeace, Scientists for Future, and the Last Generation will join the discussion. We also welcome representatives from BUNDjugendNRW, Students for Future and Ende Gelände on the panel. | Read more

© Friedensakademie Rheinland-Pfalz

Rebecca Froese successfully completed her Ph.D

Rebecca Froese, who joined the ZIN in January, defended her dissertation on January 16th, 2023 with a presentation on the question of how state and non-state institutions deal with the social-ecological consequences of land use and climate change and contribute to the avoidance of so-called tipping points. | Read more

© Privat

Interview on the project BIOCIVIS: Citizen participation as a path to a sustainable bioeconomy?

In an interview with bioö, Professor Doris Fuchs emphasizes the importance of information and dialogue

On December 6, the initiative “bioö” of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research published an interview with ZIN spokesperson Prof. Doris Fuchs focusing on opportunities for citizen participation in the transformation towards a sustainable bioeconomy. | Read more

© Pixabay

New publication: Article from Prof. Bodo Philipp's working group on possibilities for a more sustainable use of fermentation residues.

Samples from biogas plants in the Muensterland region were examined for the study

Dr. Johannes Holert, a junior scientist in the group of ZIN member Prof. Bodo Philipp, published the article "Biogas digestate as a sustainable phytosterol source for biotechnological cascade valorization" in the journal Microbial Biotechnology together with other authors. | Read More

UNFCCC Official COP27 Event with ZIN participation

On Friday, November 11, from 10:30 am - 12:00 pm, the UNFCCC Official Side Event "Reaching Women Farmers With Climate Resilience Strategies in Africa and Asia" will take place. The Working Group Ecological Planning (located at the Institute of Landscape Ecology), which includes ZIN members Prof. Tillmann Buttschardt and Dr. Cornelia Steinhäuser, is organizing this event as part of the 27th Conference of the Convention on Climate Change in Sharm El Sheik, Egypt, together with the CGIAR Gender Platform. | More information

Public lecture series "REACH for Sustainability" with ZIN participation starts on October 13

In winter semester 2022/23, the public lecture series "REACH for Sustainability" on the topic of sustainability in entrepreneurship will take place. The series is organized by the REACH EUREGIO Start-Up Center and comprises a total of six lectures. Each one will focus on a different key topic such as the basics of sustainability, public welfare accounting or social entrepreneurship.
At the kick-off event on October 13, ZIN member Prof. Quante and ZIN Jun. scholar Carolin Bohn will give lectures on different basics of sustainability. | More information

ZIN participation in the university’s sustainability event

CAMPUS EARTH Day will take place on October 20, starting at 9:30 a.m.

On Thursday, October 20, WWU will host its first Sustainability Day, titled "Campus Earth Day". The event focuses on global, social, and intergenerational resource sustainability. The public is invited to come and exchange ideas with experts from the university. | More information

Münster Climate Talk on opportunities and strategies of a sufficiency policy for Münster" on September 15, 7:30 p.m.

How much resource consumption and climate damage caused by the pursuit of prosperity can our planet still tolerate? How can we create a good life for ourselves and future generations under the given conditions? What constitutes a good life - individually and socially? In particular: What role can and must a local sufficiency policy play in this? And what is the situation in Münster in this respect? | More information