Research Focus
- experimental and theoretical petrology, geochemistry, cosmogeochemistry
Academic Education
- MSc. Geosciences: Trace Element Constraints on the Petrogenesis of Martian Meteorites
- BSc. Geosciences: Geothermobarometry and the study of kelyphite formation in garnet peridotites from South Africa
- Student Assistent - Institute for Mineralogy WWU Münster, Prof. PhD Erik Scherer
- Apprenticeship Assistant Tax Consultant - Kolleß und Partner GmbH
External Function
- Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft e.V.
Abstracts in Digital Collections (Conferences)
- Loroch Dominik, H. S., & Rohrbach Arno, K. S. (). Partitioning of siderophile but volatile elements during late stages of core formation. Sixtheenth International Symposium on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry, Clermont Ferrand, Frankreich.
- Loroch, D., Hackler, S., Rohrbach, A., & Klemme, S. (). SIDEROPHILE VOLATILE ELEMENT PARTITIONING DURING CORE FORMATION. 2nd Planetary workshop, Nizza.
- Loroch, D., Hackler, S., Rohrbach, A., & Klemme, S. (). SIDEROPHILE VOLATILE ELEMENT PARTITIONING DURING CORE FORMATION. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans.