PD Dr. Nikolaus Gussone

Professur für Geochemie (Prof. Stracke)
PD Dr. Nikolaus Gussone

Corrensstr. 24, room 211
48149 Münster

T: +49 251 83 33401
F: +49 251 83-38397

  • Expeditions

    • 06.-08.2013    Ant XXIX/6 (R/V Polarstern) “Antarctic Winter Ecosystem Climate Study“
    • 03.-05.2009    IODP Exp. 320 (Joides Resolution) “Pacific Equatorial Age Transect “
    • 06.-07.2005    M 65/1 (R/V METEOR) Equatorial East-Atlantic
    • 05.-06.2002    SO 164 (R/V SONNE) “RASTA” Caribbean
    • 07.-08.2001    SO 158 (R/V SONNE) “MEGAPRINT” Equatorial East-Pacific
    • 07.-09.1999    Ark XV/2 (R/V Polarstern)

  • Teaching

    • Übungen zur Vorlesung "Die Erde"
    • Field Camp
    • Biomineralisation
    • Interdisziplinäres Seminar
    • Übungen zu Baumaterial der Erde (Berndt-Gerdes, J.,Gussone, N., Mezger, K.)
    • Chemische Mineral- und Gesteinsanalyse I (Scherer, E., Bröcker, M., Gussone, N.)
    • Geochemisches Praktikum (Scherer, E., Bröcker, M., Gussone, N.)
  • Research Areas

    • Systematics of heavy stable isotope fractionation
    • Fluid-rock-interaction
    • Paleoceanography / proxy-development
    • Biomineralisation
    • Radiometric dating / Geochronology
    • Development of geochemical methods
  • CV


    Habilitation (University of Münster)
    PhD student (GEOMAR, Kiel)
    Studies in geology-paleontology, Georg-August-University Göttingen
    Studies in geology-paleontology, RWTH-Aachen


    Akademischer Rat (a.Z.), Institute for Mineralogy, University of Münster
    Scientist, Institute for Mineralogy, University of Münster
    Postdoctoral-fellow, DFG-Research Centre Ocean Margins, University of Bremen
    Post-doc, GEOMAR Research Centre for Marine Geosciences, Kiel
    PhD student, GEOMAR Research Centre for Marine Geosciences, Kiel


    Isotopenpreis – German Association for Stable Isotope Research (GASIR)
    Annette Barthelt-Preis für Meereswissenschaften – Annette Barthelt-Stiftung
  • Projects

    • Calciumisotopenfraktionierung zwischen Silikatmineralen zwischen Silikatschmelzen und Schmelzen ()
      Individual Granted Project: DFG - Individual Grants Programme | Project Number: GU 1035/10-1
    • SPP 527 Subproject: Calcium isotope fractionation during transport and recrystallisation processes in marine deep sea sediments ()
      Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: DFG - Priority Programme | Project Number: TE 642/4-1; GU 1035/5-1
    • SPP 527 - Subproject: Dinoflagelates - recorder of Palaeogene oceanic Ca budget and climate variabilities ()
      Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: DFG - Priority Programme | Project Number: GU 1035/2-1
    • SPP 527 - Subproject: Controls on stable isotope fractionation of alkaline earth metals in cultured corals ()
      Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: DFG - Priority Programme | Project Number: GU 1035/4-1
    • SPP 527 - Teilprojekt: Fluctuations of the oceanic Ca isotopic budget and environmental changes during highly dynamic transitions of the Cenozoic ()
      Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: DFG - Priority Programme | Project Number: GU 1035/3-3
    • SPP 527 - Subproject: Fluctuations of the oceanic Ca isotopic budget and environmental changes during highly dynamic transitions of the Cenozoic ()
      Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: DFG - Priority Programme | Project Number: GU 1035/3-2
    • SPP 527 - Subproject: Fractionation processes of Ca isotopes during synsedimentary and early diagenetic reactions in marine sediments ()
      Subproject in DFG-Joint Project Hosted outside the University of Münster: DFG - Priority Programme | Project Number: GU 1035/1-1
  • Publications

    • Millière, L., Gussone, N., Moritz, T., Bindschedler, S., Verrecchia, E.P. (). Origin of strontium and calcium in pedogenic needle fibre calcite (NFC). Chemical Geology, 524, 328–344.
    • Shollenberger, Q.R., Wittke, A., Render, J., Manec, P., Schuth, S., Weyer, S., Gussone, N., Wadhwac, M. and Brennecka, G.A. (). Combined mass-dependent and nucleosynthetic isotope variations in refractory inclusions and their mineral separates to determine their original Fe isotope compositions. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 524, 215–234.
    • Gussone, N. and Greifelt, T. (). Incorporation of Ca isotopes in carapaxes of marine ostracods. Chemical Geology, 510, 130–139.

    • Gussone, N. and Friedrich, O. (). Cretaceous calcareous dinoflagellate cysts as recorder of δ44/40Caseawater and paleo-temperature using Sr/Ca thermometry. Chemical Geology, 488, 138–148.
    • Inoue, M., Nakamura, T., Tanaka, Y., Shinzato, C., Suzuki, A., Yokoyama, Y., Kawahata, H., Sakai, K. & Gussone, N. (). A simple role of coral-algal symbiosis in coral calcification. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 235, 76–88.
    • Bermingham, K.R., Gussone, N., Mezger, K. & Krause, J. (). Origins of mass-dependent and mass-independent Ca isotope variations in meteoritic components and meteorites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 226, 206–223.

    Research Articles (Journals)
    • Gussone N., Filipsson H. & Kuhnert H. (). Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca and Ca isotope ratios in benthonic foraminifers related to test structure, mineralogy and environmental controls. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 173(null), 142–159. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2015.10.018.
    • Wehrmann, L.M., Ockert, C., Mix, A., Gussone, N., Teichert, B.M.A. and Meister, P. (). Repeated occurrences of methanogenic zones, diagenetic dolomite formation and linked silicate alteration in southern Bering Sea sediments (Bowers Ridge, IODP Exp. 323 Site U1341. Deep-Sea Research Part II, 125-126, 117–132.
    Research Article (Book Contributions)
    • Heuser A, Schmitt A-D, Gussone N & Wombacher F. (). Analytical Methods. In Hoefs J (Ed.), Calcium Stable Isotope Geochemistry (pp. 23–74).
    Books (Monographs)
    • Gussone N, Schmitt A-D, Heuser A, Wombacher F, Dietzel M, Tipper E & Schiller M. (). Calcium Stable Isotope Geochemistry.

    • Oehlerich M., Mayr C., Gussone N., Hahn A., Hölzl S., Lücke A., Ohlendorf C., Rummel S., Teichert B. & Zolitschka B. (). Lateglacial and Holocene climatic changes in south-eastern Patagonia inferred from carbonate isotope records of Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina). Quaternary Science Reviews, 114(null), 189–202. doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.02.006.
    • Magna T., Gussone N. & Mezger K. (). The calcium isotope systematics of Mars. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 430(null), 86–94. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2015.08.016.
    • Inoue M., Gussone N., Koga Y., Iwase A., Suzuki A., Sakai K. & Kawahata H. (). Controlling factors of Ca isotope fractionation in scleractinian corals evaluated by temperature, pH and light controlled culture experiments. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 167(null), 80–92. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2015.06.009.

    • Ockert C, Wehrmann LM, Kaufhold S, Ferdelman TG, Teichert BM & Gussone N. (). Calcium-ammonium exchange experiments on clay minerals using a (45)Ca tracer technique in marine pore water. Isotopes in Environmental and Health Studies, 50(1), 1–17. doi: 10.1080/10256016.2013.806505.

    • Wang S., Yan W., Magalhaes V.H., Chen Z., Pinheiro L.M. & Gussone N. (). Factors influencing methane-derived authigenic carbonate formation at cold seep from southwestern Dongsha area in the northern South China Sea. Environmental Earth Sciences, null(null), 1–8. doi: 10.1007/s12665-013-2611-9.
    • Wehrmann L.M., Ockert C., Mix A.C., Gussone N., Teichert B.M.A. & Meister P. (). Repeated occurrences of methanogenic zones, diagenetic dolomite formation and linked silicate alteration in southern Bering Sea sediments (Bowers Ridge, IODP Exp. 323 Site U1341). Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, null(null). doi: 10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.09.008.
    • Ockert C., Gussone N., Kaufhold S., Teichert B.M.A. (). Isotope fractionation during Ca exchange on clay minerals in a marine environment. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 112(null), 374–388. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2012.09.041.

    • John T, Gussone N, Podladchikov YY, Bebout GE, Dohmen R, Halama R, Klemd R, Magna T & Seitz H-M. (). Volcanic arcs fed by rapid pulsed fluid flow through subducting slabs. Nature Geoscience, 5(7), 489–492. doi: 10.1038/ngeo1482.
    • Wang SH, Yan W, Magalhães HV, Chen Z, Pinheiro ML & Gussone N. (). Calcium isotope fractionation and its controlling factors over authigenic carbonates in the cold seeps of the northern South China Sea. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(11), 1325–1332. doi: 10.1007/s11434-012-4990-9.
    • Pälike H, Lyle MW, Nishi H, Raffi I, Ridgwell A, Gamage K, Klaus A, Acton G, Anderson L, Backman J, Baldauf J, Beltran C, Bohaty SM, Bown P, Busch W, Channell JE, Chun CO, Delaney M, Dewangan P, Dunkley Jones T, Edgar KM, Evans H, Fitch P, Foster GL, Gussone N, Hasegawa H, Hathorne EC, Hayashi H, Herrle JO, Holbourn A, Hovan S, Hyeong K, Iijima K, Ito T, Kamikuri S, Kimoto K, Kuroda J, Leon-Rodriguez L, Malinverno A, Moore TC, Murphy BH, Murphy DP, Nakamura H, Ogane K, Ohneiser C, Richter C, Robinson R, Rohling EJ, Romero O, Sawada K, Scher H, Schneider L, Sluijs A, Takata H, Tian J, Tsujimoto A, Wade BS, Westerhold T, Wilkens R, Williams T, Wilson PA, Yamamoto Y, Yamamoto S, Yamazaki T & Zeebe RE. (). A Cenozoic record of the equatorial Pacific carbonate compensation depth. Nature, 488(7413), 609–14. doi: 10.1038/nature11360.

    • Kasioptas A, Geisler T, Perdikouri C, Trepmann C, Gussone N & Putnis A. (). Polycrystalline apatite synthesized by hydrothermal replacement of calcium carbonates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.03.027.
    • Gussone N, Nehrke G & Teichert BMA. (). Calcium isotope fractionation in ikaite and vaterite. Chemical Geology, 285, 194–202. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2011.04.002.
    • Heuser A, Tütken T, Gussone N & Galer SJG. (). Calcium isotopes in fossil bones and teeth - Diagenetic versus biogenic origin. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75(12), 3419–3433. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.03.032.
    • Wombacher F, Eisenhauer A, Böhm F, Gussone N, Regenberg M, Dullo W-C & Rüggeberg A. (). Magnesium stable isotope fractionation in marine biogenic calcite and aragonite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75(19), 5797–5818. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2011.07.017.

    • Lyle M, Pälike H, Nishi H, Raffi I, Gamage K & Klaus A. (). The Pacific equatorial age transect, IODP expeditions 320 and 321: Building a 50-million-year-long environmental record of the equatorial Pacific ocean. Scientific Drilling(9), 4–15.
    • Gussone N & Filipsson HL. (). Calcium isotope ratios in calcitic tests of benthic foraminifers. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 290(1-2), 108–117. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2009.12.010.
    • Gussone N, Zonneveld K & Kuhnert H. (). Minor element and Ca isotope composition of calcareous dinoflagellate cysts of cultured Thoracosphaera heimii. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 289(1-2), 180–188. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2009.11.006.

    • Gussone N, Honisch B, Heuser A, Eisenhauer A, Spindler M & Hemleben C. (). A critical evaluation of calcium isotope ratios in tests of planktonic foraminifers. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73(24), 7241–7255. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2009.08.035.
    • Arning ET, Luckge A, Breuer C, Gussone N, Birgel D & Peckmann J. (). Genesis of phosphorite crusts off Peru. Marine Geology, 262(1-4), 68–81. doi: 10.1016/j.margeo.2009.03.006.
    • Teichert BMA, Gussone N & Torres ME. (). Controls on calcium isotope fractionation in sedimentary porewaters. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 279(3-4), 373–382. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2009.01.011.

    • Gussone N, Langer G, Geisen M, Steel BA & Riebesell U. (). Calcium isotope fractionation in coccoliths of cultured Calcidiscus leptoporus, Helicosphaera carteri, Syracosphaera pulchra and Umbilicosphaera foliosa. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 260(3-4), 505–515. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.06.001.
    • Langer G, Gussone N, Nehrke G, Riebesell U, Eisenhauer A & Thoms S. (). Calcium isotope fractionation during coccolith formation in Emiliania huxleyi: Independence of growth and calcification rate. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 8.

    • Bohm F, Gussone N, Eisenhauer A, Dullo WC, Reynaud S & Paytan A. (). Calcium isotope fractionation in modern scleractinian corals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70(17), 4452–4462. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2006.06.1546.
    • Gussone N, Langer G, Thoms S, Nehrke G, Eisenhauer A, Riebesell U & Wefer G. (). Cellular calcium pathways and isotope fractionation in Emiliania huxleyi. Geology, 34(8), 625–628. doi: 10.1130/G22733.1.
    • Langer G, Gussone N, Nehrke G, Riebesell U, Eisenhauer A, Kuhnert H, Rost B, Trimborn S & Thoms S. (). Coccolith strontium to calcium ratios in Emiliania huxleyi: The dependence on seawater strontium and calcium concentrations. Limnology and Oceanography, 51(1), 310–320. doi: 10.4319/lo.2006.51.1.0310.

    • Heuser A, Eisenhauer A, Böhm F, Wallmann K, Gussone N, Pearson PN, Nägler TF & Dullo W-C. (). Calcium isotope (δ44/40Ca) variations of Neogene planktonic foraminifera. Paleoceanography, 20(2), 1–13.
    • Teichert BMA, Gussone N, Eisenhauer A & Bohrmann G. (). Clathrites: Archives of near-seafloor pore-fluid evolution (δ44/40Ca, δ13C, δ18O) in gas hydrate environments. Geology, 33(3), 213–216. doi: 10.1130/G21317.1.
    • Gussone N, Böhm F, Eisenhauer A, Dietzel M, Heuser A, Teichert BMA, Reitner J, Wörheide G & Dullo W-. (). Calcium isotope fractionation in calcite and aragonite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 69(18), 4485–4494. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2005.06.003.

    • Dietzel M, Gussone N & Eisenhauer A. (). Co-precipitation of Sr2+ and Ba2+ with aragonite by membrane diffusion of CO2 between 10 and 50 °C. Chemical Geology, 203(1-2), 139–151. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2003.09.008.
    • Fietzke J, Eisenhauer A, Gussone N, Bock B, Liebetrau V, Nägler ThF, Spero HJ, Bijma J & Dullo C. (). Direct measurement of 44Ca/40Ca ratios by MC-ICP-MS using the cool plasma technique. Chemical Geology, 206(1-2), 11–20. doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2004.01.014.
    • Eisenhauer A, Nägler TF, Stille P, Kramers J, Gussone N, Bock B, Fietzke J, Hippler D & Schmitt A-D. (). Proposal for international agreement on Ca notation resulting from discussions at workshops on stable isotope measurements held in davos (goldschmidt 2002) and nice (EGS-AGU-EUG 2003). Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 28(1), 149–151. doi: 10.1111/j.1751-908X.2004.tb01051.x.
    • Gussone N, Eisenhauer A, Tiedemann R, Haug GH, Heuser A, Bock B, Nagler TF & Muller A. (). Reconstruction of Caribbean sea surface temperature and salinity fluctuations in response to the pliocene closure of the Central American Gateway and radiative forcing, using delta Ca-44/40, delta O-18 and Mg/Ca ratios. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 227(3-4), 201–214. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2004.09.004.

    • Gussone N, Eisenhauer A, Heuser A, Dietzel M, Bock B, Böhm F, Spero HJ, Lea DW, Bijma J & Nägler TF. (). Model for kinetic effects on calcium isotope fractionation (δ44Ca) in inorganic aragonite and cultured planktonic foraminifera. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67(7), 1375–1382. doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(02)01296-6.
    • Hippler D, Schmitt AD, Gussone N, Heuser A, Stille P, Eisenhauer A & Nagler TF. (). Calcium isotopic composition of various reference materials and seawater. Geostandards Newsletter, 27(1), 13–19. doi: 10.1111/j.1751-908X.2003.tb00709.x.

    • Heuser A, Eisenhauer A, Gussone N, Bock B, Hansen BT, Nägler ThF. (). Measurement of calcium isotopes (δ44Ca) using a multicollector TIMS technique. International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 220(3), 385–397. doi: 10.1016/S1387-3806(02)00838-2.
    • Liebetrau V, Eisenhauer A, Gussone N, Worner G, Hansen BT & Leipe T. (). Ra-226(excess)/Ba growth rates and U-Th-Ra-Ba systematic of Baltic Mn/Fe crusts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 66(1), 73–83. doi: 10.1016/S0016-7037(01)00766-9.