• Curriculum vitae

    •  2011 - 2016: Full Professor (W3) of Hydrology at the University of Münster, Germany
    • 2009 - 2016: Adjunct Professor, McGill University, Canada
    • 2009 - 2011: Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair for Biogeochemistry and Environmental Geochemistry, University of Guelph, Canada
    • 2008 - 2009: Senior Lecturer at the University of Bayreuth, Germany
    • 2008: Habilitation in Biogeochemistry, University of Bayreuth, Germany
    • 2007: Visiting Scientist at the Institute of Alpine and Arctic Research (INSTAAR), University of Colorado, Boulder, USA
    • 2002 - 2008: Lecturer/Senior Researcher (C1) in the Department of Hydrology, University of Bayreuth, Germany and head of the Limnological Research Station
    • 1998 - 2001: PhD studies, Department of Geography, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
    • 1998: Scientist in soil protection at the Federal Environmental Agency, Berlin
    • 1995 - 1996: Graduate student in Environmental Science und Public Affairs, Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
    • 1992 - 1997: Undergraduate and graduate student in Environmental Science (Geoökologie) with concentration in Hydrology, Soil Science and Geochemistry, University of Bayreuth, Germany
    • 1990 - 1991: Undergraduate student in Chemistry at the University of Bonn, Germany
  • Third-party funds

    University of Münster

    • 147,430 €; Establishing procedures for growing  hummock peat moss species on harvested and rewetted peat bogs. German Environmental Foundation (DBU) 2015-2017, with co-PIs Kleinebecker, Hölzel, Knorr.
    • 165,000 €; Does energy, water and gas transport determine carbon sequestration and methane release in anoxic peatland soils? - Testing a novel hypothesis. German Environmental Foundation (DBU) 2013-2016.
    • 188,667 €; Impact of long-term wetting on carbon cycling and climate change feedback in a northern temperate bog (Ontario, Canada). German Science Foundation (DFG) 2013-2016.
    • 650,000 €approx; Carbon, water and nutrient dynamics in vascular plant- vs. Sphagnum-dominated bog ecosystems in southern Patagonia. German Environmental Foundation (DBU) 2013-2016, with collaborators Kleinebecker and Kutzbach.
    • 22,000 €; Impact of long-term drier and wetter conditions and associated vegetation change on carbon cycling in northern peatlands. German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) 2014-2015.

    University of Guelph (Kanada)

    • CAN$ 175,000; Discovery Grant “Geochemical and hydrological controls on carbon sequestration and methane production in aquatic systems”, National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), 2010-2011 (completed)
    • CAN$ 150,000; Ontario Early Researcher Award “Geochemical controls on C sequestration and methane production in aquatic systems” Ontario Ministry for Research and Innovation, 2010-2011 (completed)
    • CAN$ 450,000; Infrastructure Grant “Integrated Biogeochemical and Environmental Geology laboratory”, Canada Foundation for Innovation/Ontario Ministry for Research and Innovation, 2010-2011
    • CAN$ 500,000; Canada Research Chair (tier 2), NSRC, 2009-2011 (completed)

    Universität Bayreuth

    • € 296.000; PEATBOG: Pollution, Precipitation and Temperature Impacts on Peatland Biodiversity and Biogeochemistry, European Union Joint Call ERA-net BiodivERsA, subproject: Biogeochemistry (PI C. Blodau)
    • € 179.000; “Soil dynamics under extreme meteorological boundary conditions- sub-project: Response of belowground carbon, sulphur, and iron cycling in fen soils”, Dr. Christian Blodau, DFG, BL 563/7-3, 2008-2011
    • € 6000; „Auswirkung von Stickstoffdeposition auf den Kohlenstoffkreislauf nördlicher Moore“; Dr. Christian Blodau, Prof. Dr. Tim Moore, McGill University, Kanada; DLR/Int. Büro BMBF CAN 06/A04; 2008
    • € 125.800; Binding and mobility of arsenic in peat soils“; Prof. Dr. Egbert Matzner, Dr. Christian Blodau, DFG, Ma-1089/14/1; 2007-2010
    • €119.200; Bündelantrag “The impact of hydrogeological boundary conditions on biogeochemical processes in lake sediments.- Subproject: Biogeochemistry/Geochemistry; Dr. Christian Blodau, Prof. Dr. Stefan Peiffer, DFG, BL 563/15-1, 2007 – 2010
    • € 230.150; Application of the peat archive as tool in environmental chemistry (APATEC); Dr. Michael Radke, Dr. Christian Blodau, DFG, RA /6-1, 2007 – 2010
    • € 115.000; Transformations and translocations of nitrogen in northern peatlands under experimentally elevated nitrogen deposition, Dr. Christian Blodau, Dr. Jan Fleckenstein, DFG, BL563/14-1, 2007 – 2008
    • € 40.000; Humboldt-Stipendium, Dr. Yangping Xing “Transformations and translocation of nitrogen in northern peatlands under increased experimental N loading”, 2007 – 2008
    • € 4.000; Auswirkung von Klimaänderungen auf den Kohlenstoffkreislauf nördlicher Moore; Dr. Christian Blodau, Prof. Dr. Tim Moore, McGill University, Kanada; DLR/Int. Büro BMBF CAN 06/A04; 2006
    • € 171.000; Redoxdynamik des Kohlenstoff, Schwefels und Eisens in einem Niedermoor, Teilprojekt der Forschergruppe FOR562: Bodendynamik; Dr. Christian Blodau; DFG BL 563/7-2, 2005 – 2008
    • € 37.300; Der Einfluss von natürlicher organischer Substanz und Eisenoxiden auf den Redoxzustand und die Komplexierung von Arsen im aquatischen System; Dr. Christian Blodau; DFG BL 563/2-2, 2006 – 2007
    • € 80.000; Der Einfluss von natürlicher organischer Substanz und Eisenoxiden auf den Redoxzustand und die Komplexierung von Arsen im aquatischen System; Dr. Christian Blodau; DFG BL 563/2-2, 2004 – 2006
    • € 45.000; Einfluss von NOM auf den Redoxzustand und die Komplexierung von Arsen in natürlichen aquatischen Systemen- Felduntersuchungen; Dr. Simona Regenspurg, Dr. Christian Blodau, Prof. Dr. Donald Macalady, Colorado School of Mines, USA; DFG Re 1679/1-1, 2003 – 2004.
    • € 24.000; Folgen eines veränderten Klimas auf die Kohlenstofffreisetzung in Mooren; Dr. Christian Blodau, Prof. Dr. Tim Moore, McGill University, Kanada; DLR/Int. Büro BMBF CAN 02/17; 2002 – 2005
    • € 24.000; Forschungsstipendium “Coupled redox dynamics of natural organic matter and sulphur in peat soils during short-term water table fluctuations and its impact on CH4 emissions”, für einen Aufenthalt an der University of Colorado, USA, DFG, BL 563/13-1 2007.
  • Research projects

    • Establishment of hummock peat mosses in rewetted cutover bogs
    • ETRACA
    • DAAD – Carbon and peatlands
    • LUTHERbog
    • CANDYbog
    • Redox Processes in Aquifers
    • Trace elements in Peatlands
    • Restorationbiogeochemistry
    • Rhizosphere in Peatlands
    [an error occurred while processing this directive]
    • Zajac K., Blodau C. 2016. 'The fate of 15N-nitrate in mesocosms from five European peatlands differing in long-term nitrogen deposition rate.' Biogeosciences 13: 707-722, doi: 10.5194/bg-13-707-2016


    • Wu, Y.; Blodau, C.; Moore, T.R.; Bubier, J.; Juutinen, S.; Larmola, T. (2015): Effects of experimental nitrogen deposition on peatland carbon pools and fluxes: a modelling analysis. Biogeosciences 11, 1-23, doi: 10.5194/bg-12-79-2015
    • Wu, Y.; Blodau, C. (2015): Vegetation composition in bogs is sensitive to both load and concentration of deposited nitrogen: A modeling analysis. Ecosystems. doi: 10.1007/s10021-014-9820-2.
    • Broder T.; Blodau C.; Biester H., Knorr K.H (2015): Sea spray, trace elements, and decomposition patterns as possible constraints on the evolution of CH4 and CO2 concentrations and isotopic signatures in oceanic ombrotrophic bogs. Biogeochemistry, doi: 10.1007/s10533-014-0044-5


    • Thuens S., Blodau C.; Wania F.; Radke M. (2014):  Comparison of Atmospheric Travel Distances of several PAHs calculated by two fate and transport models (The Tool and ELPIS) with Experimental Values derived from a peat bog transect. Atmosphere 5, 324-341, doi: 10.3390/atmos5020324  pdf
    • Risk N.; Wagner-Riddle C.; Furona A.; Warland J., Blodau, C. (2014): Comparison of Simultaneous Soil Profile N2O Concentration and Surface N2O Flux Measurements Overwinter and at Spring Thaw in an Agricultural Soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal, DOI: 10.2136/sssaj2013.06.0221


    • (71) Kopp, B.; Fleckenstein, J.H.; Roulet, T.R.; Humphreys, E.; Talbot, J.; Blodau, C. (2013): Impact of long-term drainage on groundwater flow patterns in the Mer Bleue peatland, Ontario, Canada. Hydrology and Earth System Science 17,3485–3498, 2013. DOI:10.5194/hessd-10-33-2013
    • (70) Wu, Y.; Blodau, C. (2013): PEATBOG: A biogeochemical model for analyzing coupled carbon and nitrogen dynamics in northern peatlands. Geoscientific Model Development 6, 1173-1207, DOI:10.5194/gmd-6-1173-2013.
    • (69) Olefeldt, D.; Turetsky, M.T.; Blodau, C. (2013): Altered composition, biodegradability and UV-mediated lability of dissolved organic matter in boreal soils following wildfire. Ecosystems. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-013-9691-y
    • (68) Neumann, C.; Beer, J.; Blodau, C.; Peiffer, S.; Fleckenstein, J.H. (2013): Spatial patterns of groundwater-lake exchange – implications for acid neutralization processes in an acid mine lake. Hydrological Processes, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.9656.
    • (67) Thuens, S.; Blodau, C.; Radke, M. (2013): How suitable are peat cores to study historical deposition of PAHs? Science of The Total Environment 450-451, 271-279
    • (66) Estop Aragones, C.; Knorr, KH; Blodau, C (2013): Belowground in situ redox dynamics and methanogenesis recovery in a degraded fen during dry-wet cycles and flooding. Biogeosciences 10, 421-436, doi:10.5194/bg-10-421-2013 


    • (65) Kothawala, D.N.; Roehm, C. L.; Blodau, C. Moore, T.R. (2012): Selective adsorption of dissolved organic matter to mineral soils. Geoderma 189–190, 334–342 
    • (64) Blodau, C.; Deppe, M. (2012): Humic acid addition lowers methane release in peats of the Mer Bleue bog, Canada. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 52: 96 - 98
    • (63) Broder, T.; Blodau, C.; Biester, H.; Knorr, K.-H. (2012): Peat decomposition records in three pristine ombrotrophic bogs in southern Patagonia, Biogeosciences, 9, 1479-1491, G02002 DOI: 10.5194/bg-9-1479-2012.
    • (62) Estop-Aragonés, C.; Knorr, KH; Blodau, C. (2012): Controls on in situ oxygen and DIC dynamics in peats of a temperate fen. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, DOI:10.1029/2011JG001888.
    • (61) Estop Aragones, C.; Blodau, C. (2011): Effects of experimental drying intensity and duration on respiration and methane production recovery in fen peat incubations, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 47, 1-9. 
    • (60) Blodau, C., Siems, M., (2012): Drainage-induced forest growth alters belowground carbon biogeochemistry in the Mer Bleue bog, Canada, Biogeochemistry, 107(1-3), 107-123.


    • (59) Blodau, C. Siems, M., Beer, J. (2011): Experimental burial inhibits methanogenesis and anaerobic decomposition in peats. Environmental Science and Technology, 45(23), 9984-9989.
    • (58) Peiffer, S., Knorr, K.-H., Blodau, C (2011): The role of iron minerals for the biogeochemistry of acid pit lakes, in Acid Pit Lakes, Ed. Geller W.
    • (57) Blodau C. Thermodynamic control on terminal electron transfer and methanogenesis. ACS Symposium Series, Vol. 1071, doi: 10.1021/bk-2011-1071.ch004.
    • (56) Wendel, S., Moore, T.R., Bubier, J., Blodau, C. (2010): Experimental nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium deposition decreases summer soil temperatures, water contents, and soil CO2 concentrations in a northern bog, Biogeosciences 8, 585–595, doi:10.5194/bg-8-585-2011.
    • (55) Xing, Y., Bubier, J., Moore, T.R., Murphy, M., Basiliko, N., Wendel, S., Blodau, C. (2011): The fate of 15N-nitrate in a northern peatland impacted by long term experimental nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilization, Biogeochemistry, 103 (1-3), DOI 10.1007/s10533-010-9463-0.


    • (54) Minderlein, S., Blodau, C. (2010): Humic-rich peat extracts inhibit sulfate reduction, methanogenesis, and anaerobic respiration but not acetogenesis in peat soils of a temperate bog, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 42(12), 2078-2086.
    • (53) Rempfer, J., Livingstone, D. M., Blodau, C., Forster, R., Niederhauser, P., Kipfer, R. (2010): The effect of the exceptionally mild European winter of 2006-2007 on temperature and oxygen profiles in lakes in Switzerland: a foretaste of the future? Limnology and Oceanography, 55, (5), 2170-2180.
    • (52) Heimann, A., Jakobsen, R., Blodau, C. (2010): Energetic constraints on H2-dependent terminal electron accepting processes in anoxic environments - a review of observations and model approaches, Environmental Science and Technology 44(1), 24-33.
    • (51) Deppe, M., McKnight, D., Blodau, C. (2010): Effects of short-term drying and irrigation on electron flow in mesocosms of a northern bog and an alpine fen, Environmental Science and Technology, 44(1), 80-86.
    • (50) Deppe, M., Knorr, K.H., McKnight, D., Blodau, C. (2010): Effects of short-term drying and irrigation on CO2 and CH4 production and emission from mesocosms of a northern bog and alpine fen, Biogeochemistry, 100 (1-3), 89-103, DOI 10.1007/s10533-010-9406-9.
    • (49) Goldberg, S. D., Knorr, K.-H., Blodau, C., Lischeid, G., Gebauer, G. (2009): Impact of experimental dyrying and rewetting on N2O and NO turnover and emissions from a temperate acidic fen, Global Change Biology, 16, 220-233 (2010).


    • (48) Knorr, K.H., Lischeid, G., Blodau, C. (2009): Dynamics of redox processes in a minerotrophic fen exposed to a water table manipulation, Geoderma 153, 379-392.
    • (47) Knorr, K.-H. and Blodau, C. (2009): Impact of experimental drought and rewetting on redox transformations and methanogenesis in mesocosms of a northern fen soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41, 1187-1198.
    • (46) Blodau, C. Bauer, M., Regenspurg, S. and Macalady, D. (2009): Electron accepting capacities of dissolved organic matter as determined by reaction with metallic zinc. Chemical Geology, 260, 186-195. 
    • (45) Bauer, M. and Blodau, C. (2009): Experimental colloid formation in aqueous solutions rich in dissolved organic matter, ferric iron, and As. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 73, 529-543.
    • (44) Rempfer, J., Livingstone, D., Forster, Blodau, C. (2009): Response of hypolimnetic oxygen concentrations in deep Swiss prealpine lakes to interannual variations in winter climate, Ver. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 30(5): 717-721.


    • (43) Limpens, J., Berendse, F., Blodau C., Canadell, J.G., Freeman, C., Holden, J., Roulet, N.T., Rydin, H., Schaepman-Strub, G. (2008): Peatlands and the carbon cycle: from local processes to global implications - a synthesis, Biogeosciences 5, 1475-1491.
    • (42) Knorr*, K.H., Glaser, B., and Blodau, C. (2008). Impact of experimental drought on 13C isotopic composition of dissolved carbon and pathways of methanogenesis in a fen soil. Biogeosciences 5, 1457–1473.
    • (41) Goldhammer, T., Einsiedl, F., and Blodau, C. (2008): In situ determination of sulfate turnover in peatlands during a water table fluctuation: application of downscaled push-pull tracer technique. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 171, 740-750.
    • (40) Blodau, C., Rees, R., Flessa H., Rodionov, A., Guggenberger, G., Knorr, K.-H., Shibistova, O., Zrazhevskaya, G., Mikheeva, N., Kasansky, O. A (2008): A snapshot of CO2 and CH4 evolution in a thermokarst pond near Igarka, northern Siberia. Journal of Geophysical Research- Biogeosciences 113, G03023, doi:10.1029/2007JG000652.
    • (39) Bauer, M., Fulda, B. Blodau, C. (2008): Groundwater derived arsenic in high carbonate wetland soils: Sources, sinks, and mobility. Science of the Total Environment 401:109-120.  
    • (38) Goldhammer, T., and Blodau, C. (2008): Dessication and product accumulation constrain heterotrophic anaerobic respiration in peats of an ombrotrophic temperate bog. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40: 2007-2015.
    • (37) Blodau, C. Fulda, B., Bauer, M. and Knorr, K.-H. (2008): Arsenic speciation and turnover in intact organic soils during experimental drought and rewetting. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72, 3991-4007.   
    • (36) Flessa, H., Rodionov, A., Guggenberger G., Fuchs, H., Magdon, P., Shibistova, O., Zrazhevskaya, G., Mikheyava, N., Kasansky, O.A., and Blodau, C. (2008): Landscape controls of CH4 fluxes in a catchment of the forest tundra ecotone in northern Siberia. Global Change Biology 14(8): 2040-2056.  
    • (35) Knorr, K.H., Osterwoud, M., and Blodau, C. (2008). Experimental drought changes rates of soil respiration and methanogenesis but not carbon exchange in fen soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry  40: 1781-1791.  
    • (34) Fahrner, S., Radke, M., Karger, D., and Blodau, C. (2008): Organic matter mineralisation in the hypolimnion of a eutrophic maar lake. Aquatic Sciences 70(3): 225-237.
    • (33) Beer, J., Lee, K., Whiticar, M., and Blodau, C. (2008): Geochemical controls on organic matter decomposition in a northern peatland. Limnology and Oceanography 53(4): 1393-1407.      


    • (32) Basiliko, N., Blodau, C., Roehm, C. L., Bengtson, P., and Moore, T. R. (2007): Regulation of decomposition and methane dynamics across natural, commercially-mined, and restored northern peatlands. Ecosystems 10: 1148-1165.
    • (31) Heitmann, T., Goldhammer, T., Beer, J., Blodau, C. (2007): Electron transfer processes of dissolved organic matter and their potential significance for anaerobic respiration in a northern bog, Global Change Biology 13: 1771-1785.
    • (30) Knorr, K.H., and Blodau, C. (2007): Chemical controls on schwertmannite transformation. Applied Geochemistry 22: 2006-2015.
    • (29) Blodau, C., Roulet, N. T., Heitmann, T., Stewart, H., Beer, J., Lafleur, P., Moore T. R. (2007): Below-ground carbon turnover in a temperate ombrotrophic bog. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 21: GB1021, doi:10.1029/2005GB002659.
    • (28) Blodau, C., Mayer, B. Peiffer, S. Moore, T.R. (2007): Support for an anaerobic sulfur cycle in two Canadian peatland soils. Journal of Geophysical Research 112: G02004, doi: 10.1029/2006JG000364.
    • (27) Heimann A., Blodau C., Postma D., Larsen F., Viet P.H., Nhan P.Q., Jessen S., Duc M.T., Hue N.T.M., Jakobsen R. (2007): Hydrogen thresholds and steady state concentrations associated with microbial arsenate respiration, Environmental Science and Technology 41: 2311-2317. 
    • (26) Beer, J., Blodau, C. (2007): Transport and thermodynamics constrain belowground carbon turnover in a northern peatland, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71: 2989-3002.
    • (25) Bauer, M., Heitmann, T, Macalady, D. and Blodau, C. (2007): Electron transfer capacities and kinetics of peat dissolved organic matter. Environmental Science and Technology 41: 139-145.   


    • (24) Blodau, C., Gatzek C. (2006): Chemical controls on iron reduction in schwertmannite rich sediments. Chemical Geology 235: 366-376.
    • (23) Blodau, C. (2006): Acidity generation and consumption in acidic mine lakes and their watersheds: A review. Science of the Total Environment 369: 307-332.
    • (22) Blodau C. and Knorr, K.H. (2006): Experimental inflow of groundwater induces a biogeochemical regime shift in iron rich and acidic sediments. Journal of Geophysical Research 111: G0202610.1029/2006JG000165.
    • (21) Heitmann, T. and Blodau, C. (2006): Oxidation and incorporation hydrogen sulfide by dissolved organic matter. Chemical Geology 235: 366-376.  
    • (20) Blodau, C., Basiliko, N., Mayer, B., and Moore, T.R. (2006): The fate of experimentally deposited nitrogen in mesocosms from two Canadian peatlands. Science of the Total Environment 364: 215-228.
    • (19) Knorr, K.H. and Blodau, C. (2006): Altered groundwater inflow remobilizes acidity from iron rich and acidic sediments. Environmental Science and Technology 40, 2944-2950. 
    • (18) Bauer, M. and Blodau, C. (2006): Mobilization of arsenic by dissolved organic matter from iron oxides, soils and sediments. Science of the Total Environment 354:179-190. 


    • (17) Blodau, C. (2005): Groundwater inflow triggers changes in acidity fluxes in an iron rich and acidic lake. Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica 33(2): 104-117.
    • (16) Dreyer, A., Radke, M., Turunen, J. and Blodau, C. (2005): Long-term change of PAH deposition to peatlands of eastern Canada. Environmental Science and Technology 39 (11): 3918-3924. 
    • (15) Dreyer, A., Blodau, C., Turunen, J. and Radke, M. (2005): Spatial distribution of PAH deposition in peatlands across eastern Canada. Atmospheric Environment 39 (20), 3725-3733.      


    • (14) Moore, T.R, Blodau C., Turunen, J., Roulet, N.T. and Richard, P. (2004): Patterns of nitrogen and sulfur accumulation in ombrotrophic bogs, eastern Canada. Global Change Biology 11, 356-367. 
    • (13) Blodau, C. (2004): Evidence for a hydrologically controlled iron cycle in acidic and iron rich sediments. Aquatic Sciences 66: 1-13.  
    • (12) Blodau, C., Basiliko, N. and Moore, T.R. (2004): Carbon turnover in peatland mesocosms exposed to different water table levels. Biogeochemistry 67: 331-351.   


    • (11) Blodau, C. and Peiffer, S. (2003): Deposition of organic matter and schwertmannite controls neutralization rates in sediments of acidic mine lakes. In Schulz, H.D. und Hadeler, A. (Eds) Geochemical Processes in soil and groundwater. Measurement-Modelling-Upscaling. Wiley VCH, Weinheim.
    • (10) Blodau, C. and Peiffer, S. (2003): Thermodynamics and organic matter: Constraints on neutralization processes in sediments of highly acidic waters. Applied Geochemistry 18: 25-36. 
    • (9) Blodau, C. and Moore, T.R. (2003): Micro-scale CO2 and CH4 dynamics in a peat soil during a water fluctuation and sulfate pulse. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 35: 535-547.
    • (8) Blodau, C. and Moore, T.R. (2003): Experimental response of peatland carbon dynamics to a water table fluctuation. Aquatic Sciences 65: 47-62. 
    • (7) Blodau, C., Heise, S. and Litz, N. (2003): Simple soil properties as predictors of PAH concentrations in soil water. Wasser und Boden 55: 33-37.


    • (6) Blodau, C. (2002): Carbon cycling in peatlands: A review of processes and controls. Environmental Reviews 10: 111-134.
    • (5) Blodau, C., Roehm, C.L. and Moore, T.R. (2002): Iron, sulfur, and dissolved carbon dynamics in a northern peatland. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 154: 561-583.
    • (4) Blodau, C. and Peiffer S. (2002): Deposition und Transformation des Eisenminerals Schwertmannit unterdrückt die interne Neutralisation in Restseen des Braunkohletagebaus. Aktuelle Reihe BTU Cottbus, Gewässerreport Nr. 7:81-87.
    • (3) Blodau, C. and Moore, T.R. (2002): Macroporosity affects water movement and pore water sampling in peatland microcosms. Soil Science 167: 98-109.   

    1998 - 2000

    • (2) Blodau, C., Peine, A., Hoffmann, S. and Peiffer, S. (2000): Organic matter diagenesis in acidic mine lakes. Acta Hydrochimica et Hydrobiologica 28: 123-135. 
    • (1) Blodau, C., Hoffmann, S., Peine, A. and Peiffer, S. (1998): Iron and sulphate reduction in the sediments of acid mine lake 116 (Brandenburg, Germany): Rates and geochemical evaluation. Water Air Soil Pollution 108, 249-270.