Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development - Welcome...
...to the homepage of the Chair of International Relations and Sustainable Development at the University of Münster! Our team's research interests are in the fields of sustainable development, International Relations and global governance, International Political Economy and Development and Environmental Policy.
Our research areas are on the political role of non-state actors, sustainable development and consumption as well as the role of discourse, discursive power and norms in international politics. In teaching we concentrate on theories and policy fields of International Relations (IR).
Current research at the Chair
Is the 'good life' useful as a tool for thinking about and fostering sustainable consumption? Can we agree on limits of consumption in order to make a 'good life' possible for everyone in the long run?
The Good Life
How can participatory formats contribute to securing the benefits of bioeconomic technologies for the society while strenghtening democratic participation at the same time?
Under which circumstances can citizen participation contribute to a 'sustainable common good'?
ENGAGE: Participation for a Sustainable Common Good
Under which circumstances does religion serve as a resource for agreement in climate policy?
Religion and Politics: Religion as a Resource in European and International Climate Governance
|| Further information on current and completed research projects can be found here. ||
Office Hours Prof. Fuchs: Please address all inquiries via sustainability[at]uni-muenster[dot]de.
Certificate of records' issuance during office hours of the secretay (room 317)