Manuscript requirements and author guidelines
The outline of the Jahrbuch
The Jahrbuch adheres to the following structure
I thematic section (chosen annually)
a) Overture (essays)
b) Contributions (articles, peer reviewed)
II open section (articles, peer reviewed)
III bulletin (Announcements, Meetings, etc.)
Depending on the section in which the article should be published requirements may be vary. If you want to submit a contribution to the open section please get further information on:
Peer review
Evaluation of the articles is performed through a blind peer review process, in which the quality of the contributions is guaranteed by professional, anonymous review by two scholars. This applies to all contributions to the sections Ib and II. Please refrain from passages in your article that could identify you as the author and would thus endanger the anonymous review process. After the review process and the acceptance of the article authors will most likely be asked to revise their articles to comply with all guidelines before publication.
Please submit your article via e-mail ( Contributions may be received in all common file formats (MS-word, OpenOffice-Writer). The editorial staff will confirm that your article has been received.
Please include an abstract of 150 – 200 words in German and English.
The length of the article should not exceed 48,000 characters (including space and footnotes, excluding abstract) for the sections Ib and II. For the section “Overture” (Ia) the length should be 20000 characters for bulletin (III) 15000 characters.
Please use as few formatting as possible and neither manual nor automatic hyphenation. All contributions will be formatted prior to publication by our editorial staff. We will make sure to make as many of your individual wishes (pictures, tables, graphics, etc.) possible.
Please use footnotes (no endnotes). If your article is submitted for section Ia (Overture), please refrain from extensive footnotes. For all other articles there are no restrictions.
Bibliography, quotations, footnotes
Please document the literal or indirect quotations used in your text by adding a short reference in parentheses with the following order.
- If the author is not mentioned in the text, the name and the date of publication will be added in parentheses:
“…(cf. Miller 2005)…”
“…(Habermas 1995, 59)…”
- If the author is mentioned in the text, only indicate the date of the publication:
“…as Habermas mentioned (1995)…”
- If two authors are mentioned, names are given; if there are three or more authors only the first one is given by name followed by “et al.”:
“…(Bohmeyer/Frühbauer [ed.] 2005)…”
“…(Dabrowski et al. 2003)…”
- If there are more than one publications of a specific author within a given year, the year of publication is supplemented by letters to indicate the different publications:
“…(Spieß 2010a, 12–24, 2010b)…”
- If you refer to more than one author, bibliographic information will be given in one bracket separated by semicolon:
“…(Große Kracht 2001; Dabrowski et al. 2003; Bohmeyer/Frühbauer [ed.] 2005)…“
Quotation marks
Please use typographical quotation marks.
Hyphens and dash
Please distinguish between hyphen (like in “re-enactment”) and dash (e.g. to highlight a sentence or thought more clearly). Use dashes also for the indication of page numbers (57 – 68).
Accentuation and italics
Please accentuate in italics. Also use italics if you want to highlight the importance of a certain author in the manuscript text, references to literature in your text, and terms in other languages than the text itself.
Manuscript structure and headlines
Please use the following structure:
Subtitle (if applicable)
Abstract (in English and German, 150 – 200 words each)
1. Headline 1
1.1 Headline 2
1.1.1 Headline 3
Bibliography and bibliographical information
Please indicate all literature that is being used in alphabetical order according to the author’s last name. If an author has more than one title, please organize by year of publication and letter (if applicable). It is important that every combination in the brackets in the text can be clearly identified.
If you are using bibliography software, we would appreciate if you could send us the bibliographic data in a file.
Please use the following format in your bibliography:
last name, first name (ed. where applicable) (year): Title. Subtitle. Place of publication: publisher
- Fisch, Andreas (2007): Menschen in Aufenthaltsrechtlicher Illegalität. Reformvorschläge und Folgenabwägungen aus sozialethischer Perspektive. Berlin, Münster: Lit.
- Veith, Werner (2006): Intergenerationelle Gerechtigkeit. Ein Beitrag zur sozialethischen Theoriebildung. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer (Forum Systematik, 25).
- Adams, Nicholas (2006): Habermas and Theology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Contributions to collected editions:
last name, first name (year): Title. Subtitle. In: editor(s) (ed.): Title. Subtitle. Place of publication: publisher, page numbers (exact beginning and end of article).
- Ackermann, Denise (1999): A voice was heard in Ramah. A feminist theology of praxis for healing in South Africa. In: Ackermann, Denise; Bons-Storm, Riet (eds.): Liberating faith practices. Feminist practical theologies in context. Leuven: Peeters, 75 – 102.
- Winkler, Katja (2007): Befähigung zur Beteiligung – Befähigung durch Beteiligung. Beteiligungsgerechtigkeit nach Martha Nussbaums Capabilities Approach. In: Eckstein, Christiane; Filipovic, Alexander; Oostenryck, Klaus (Hg.): Beteiligung, Inklusion, Integration. Sozialethische Konzepte für die moderne Gesellschaft. Münster, Westf.: Aschendorff (Forum Sozialethik, 5), 53 – 67.
Collected editions:
last name, first name (ed.) (year): Title. Subtitle. Place of publication: publisher.
- Ackermann, Denise; Bons-Storm, Riet (eds.) (1999): Liberating faith practices. Feminist practical theologies in context. Leuven: Peeters.
Articles in reference works:
- Beaglehole, Ernest (1972): Property. In: Sills, David L. (ed.): International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Vol 12. New York: The Macmillan Company & The Free Press, 333 – 345.
Articles in journals:
last name, first name (year): Title. Subtitle. In: name of journal and volume, page numbers
- Coase, Ronald H. (1937): The nature of the firm. In: Economica 4, 386 – 405.
Articles in newspapers:
last name, first name (year): Title. Subtitle. In: newspaper, volume.
- Habermas, Jürgen (1995): Wahrheit und Wahrhaftigkeit. Die Freiheit der Selbstvergewisserung und des Selbstseinkönnens. In: Die Zeit vom 08.12.1995, 59.
[bibliographic information], online <link>,created accessed (please don’t use any hyphens, except if needed for the link)
- Gabriel, Karl (2003): Wandel von Ehe und Familie und die Möglichkeiten einer christlichen Lebensweise in einer veränderten Gesellschaft. Referat auf der Jahrestagung des Referats Ehe- und Familienseelsorge des Bistums Münster am 6. 10. 2003, online unter < >, erstellt 26.04.2006/abgerufen 20.06.2006.