Claudia Rüdiger

Ko Aoki (MPI Bonn): Solidification of algebraic K-theory

Monday, 06.01.2025 14:00 im Raum M3

Mathematik und Informatik

Abstract: Clausen?Scholze's condensed mathematics provides a framework for doing homological algebra in the presence of topology. A key notion is solidification, a completion process for condensed spectra (roughly, spectra equipped with a topology). In this talk, we consider the solidification of the algebraic K-theory of condensed algebras. I explain results that connect it to topological and semitopological K-theory. I then discuss Rosenberg's conjecture on the algebraic K-theory of operator algebras and suggest how condensed mathematics may offer new perspectives.

Angelegt am 25.11.2024 von Claudia Rüdiger
Geändert am 25.11.2024 von Claudia Rüdiger
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Oberseminare und sonstige Vorträge
Sonstige Vorträge
Vorträge des SFB 1442
Veranstaltungen am Mathematischen Institut