Oberseminar Differentialgeometrie: Volker Branding (Universitä Wien), Vortrag: Constructing biharmonic and conformal biharmonic maps to spheres
Tuesday, 28.01.2025 10:00 im Raum SR 4
Biharmonic and conformal biharmonic maps between Riemannian manifolds are two fourth order generalizations
of the well-studied notion of harmonic maps. Since both equations arise as critical points of
an energy functional which is non-coercive and due to the large number of
derivatives it is a challenging task to establish existence results for the latter.
After providing a brief introduction to biharmonic and conformal biharmonic maps
we will focus on the case of maps to the Euclidean sphere. We will present a number of
recent existence results for both equations and point out the influence of the
domain manifold on the existence of non-trivial solutions.
Angelegt am 22.01.2025 von Sandra Huppert
Geändert am 22.01.2025 von Sandra Huppert
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