VORTRAG 14. Mai 2024
240514 Vortrag Teaching
© IfE

Teaching (hand)writing in times of technology and diversity

Prof. Dr. AsunMartínez

Tuesday, 14. May 2024, 4-6 pm, Schlossplatz 46, H2 (Hörsaal)

In today's tech-rich world, handwriting instruction remains a crucial aspect of Primary Education, despite debates. We summarize challenges and solutions across various educational systems and analyze empirical evidence supporting the continued teaching of this skill. Then, we analyze the handwriting of two groups of second-year Primary Education students in the Basque Autonomous Community using HandSpy technology. This technology uses a selection engine to define a set of written productions and reproduces the process as a video, providing precise data on pauses and bursts. Results were shared with teachers and families. In essence, the integration of digital technology with an analog writing tool proved pivotal in providing feedback on each child's progress, thereby improving aspects of fluency and accuracy, such as readability and spelling.

Asun Martínez is Professor at the UPV/ EHU in Spain. She holds a Ph.D. in Linguistics from Cornell University, New York. She works on language education and the use of technology in language teaching.

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  • CV

    Vera Busse is Professor of Education and Multilingualism at the University of Münster. She has a keen interest in language learning and literacy development and works on a range of educational issues pertaining to teaching and learning in linguistically and culturally diverse classrooms (see Research Areas). Vera and her team mostly conduct intervention studies with students, but they are also interested in finding ways to better prepare teachers for diversity. Among other projects, her team is investigating how teachers can develop adolescent students’ writing skills in a diversity-sensitive way.

    Before coming to Münster, Vera held a full professorship for education and diversity at the University of Koblenz-Landau. In 2016, she completed her habilitation and was granted the Venia Legendi for educational sciences by the department of education at the University of Oldenburg. She worked at the University of Oldenburg for five years and was acting professor for didactics and school pedagogy for two years. She also holds a PhD in Educational Science from the University of Oxford, England, where she graduated with a thesis on language learning motivation in 2011. Before embarking on her doctoral project, she obtained a postgraduate diploma in learning and teaching in higher education and became a fellow of the English higher education academy in 2008. During her time at Oxford, she also worked for the German Academic Exchange Service as a DAAD-Lektor in the German department for four years, where she was awarded the Oxford University Teaching Award in 2008. She has ample teaching experience in EFL (English as a foreign language) and GFL (German as a foreign language) in several countries including Australia, England, Germany, Namibia and Spain. Finally, she is a qualified teacher for secondary schools in Germany (Staatsexamen I & II, Sek I & II, English and German). That is to say, she also has first-hand experience with teaching a variety of students in different cultural contexts.

  • Supervision

    Siekmann, Lea Maria: Fostering writing through formative feedback: Results from a project involving EFL teachers and students in secondary school (08/2023)

    Müller, Nora: Schreibförderung durch formatives Feedback unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von migrationsbedingter Mehrsprachigkeit: Ergebnisse aus einer Studie mit Lehrkräften und Lernenden neunter Klassen (01/2024)

    Scherer, Sina Verena: Feedback for L1, L2, and FL learners' writing. Research syntheses and meta-analyses (03/2025)

    Peltzer, Katrin: Promoting argumentative writing in adolescent EFL students: A randomized controlled intervention study on the effects of formative feedback (03/2025)

    Gade, Kathrin: Fostering writing through a process-oriented approach in cooperative digital settings: A quasi-experimental intervention study involving primary school children (02/2027)

    Sieveke, Pia (06/2027)