
The Cells in Motion (CiM) Interfaculty Centre brings together and supports researchers from medicine, biology, chemistry, pharmacy, mathematics, computer science and physics who join forces to work on a big topic: They investigate how cells behave in organisms. To this end, they employ and develop innovative imaging methods. Our interfaculty network is the centrepiece of the University of Münster’s research focus in “cell dynamics, inflammation and imaging”.

© Marc Wolf / Roth lab, Institute of Immunology, Münster

4th Inflammation & Imaging Symposium: Call for posters & junior talks!

Register now! From 9-11 September, 2024, our community in Münster meets with international guests to discuss the latest developments in research on inflammation and the imaging of the immune system. We cordially invite all junior scientists to submit an abstract for a poster or short talk by 17 July 2024!

Pilot projects: Apply now!

In interdisciplinary teams, doctoral researchers and postdocs can now apply for funding for their first own research projects. Application deadline: 31 August 2024

We are looking for a team assistant!

The Cells in Motion Interfaculty Center is seeking to fill the position of Team Assistant. We look forward to receiving your application by 15 July 2024.