Prizes and awards

© Uni MS - Robert Matzke

Excellent research achievements by academics of the University of Münster are regularly distinguished with prestigious prizes and awards. Our outstanding level of research excellence is underscored by honour of having ten Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize winners, 13 ERC grant holders and three Alexander von Humboldt Professors employed at the University of Münster.

© Uni MS - Victoria Liesche

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize

The Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize by the German Research Foundation (DFG) is the most prestigious research funding award in Germany. The recipients receive prize money totalling 2.5 million euros.

Prof Dr Ryan Gilmour
© Uni MS - Peter Leßmann

ERC Grants

The European Research Council (ERC) has awarded grants to numerous scholars at the University of Münster in recognition of their outstanding research accomplishments.

Dr Dr Alexander Busch and Prof Dr Asmaa El Maaroufi
© awk-jk/Engel-Albustin

Awards for early career researchers

The achievements by early career researchers at the University of Münster are distinguished by various organisations and awards, e.g. the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize, induction into the Junges Kolleg of the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of the Arts and Sciences, and the funding of independent research groups, such as within the Emmy Noether Programme.

Portrait of Prof Dr Gustav Holzegel
© Uni MS - Victoria Liesche

Alexander von Humboldt Professorship

The Alexander von Humboldt Professorship is the highest endowed German science prize and enables researchers employed abroad to conduct a long-term, pioneering research project at a university in Germany. There are three Humboldt Professors currently working at the University of Münster.

© AWK - Bettina Engel-Albustin

Academy memberships

Researchers at the University of Münster are regularly inducted into numerous science academies worldwide.

Prof Tian Xiaofei
© Uni MS - Brigitte Heeke

Other prizes

We present a selection of other prizewinning members of the University of Münster.

© Uni MS - Christoph Steinweg

Rectorate awards

The University of Münster confers highly endowed Rectorate awards in recognition of the outstanding achievements by its academics and students in the areas of research, teaching and studies. These include the Research Prize, the Teaching Prize, the Equal Opportunity Prize, the Diversity Prize, the Student Prize and the Dissertation Prize.

Information and consultation

The Safir research funding support department of the University of Münster provides information and advice on prizes and awards and offers consultation on nominating colleagues.

This overview is maintained by Department 6.4: Research Information & Research Reporting and is based on the data in CRIS - the University of Münster's research information system. For further information on research at the University of Münster please feel also free to visit the central research portal